npm dependency-cruiser 4.25.0
'splain plz (v4.25.0)

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
5 years ago
  • feature(err-html): adds explanations to violated rules (#154)
  • feature(report): adds 'err-long' terminal reporter that includes an explanation for each violation (#157)
  • feature(configs|cli): make the rule comments better fit to context and more actionable (#156)
  • bugfix(options): correctly process maxDepth specified in configs (#155)
  • refactor(main|report): move reporter stuff from main to report (#159)
  • refactor(report): simplify the dot reporter interface (#158)
  • build(npm): ⬆️ semver, semver-try-require, eslint, eslint-plugin-import

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