npm dependency-cruiser 4.13.1

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
5 years ago
  • fix(npm): pull in safe-regex (#98)
    there's a security problem in one of safe-regex's transient dependencies (mem). It can be solved upstream by upgrading safe-regex's dependencies - there's even a PR for it already, but that's been waiting to get merged for >14 days. Until that happens we're going to use a copy of the function (sometimes a little copying is better than a little dependency...) - which has been refactored a bit to be easier to understand & has a little better test coverage than it had in the original repo.
  • build(npm): 👞 proxy-quire (was a stray in the devDependencies)
  • build(npm): ⬆️ eslint, eslint-plugin-mocha, nyc (all of them devDependencies)

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