npm dependency-cruiser 2.2.0
circles (v2.2.0)

latest releases: 16.3.5, 16.3.4, 16.3.3...
7 years ago
  • Adds a circular dependency check to the arsenal of dependency-cruiser validations (#5) - see below for an exposition.
  • Adds the circular check to the --init-rules configuration with a warning level.
  • ⬆️ various dependencies to latest versions


  • Add a rule to your .dependency-cruiser.json like this:
        "name": "no-circular",
        "severity": "warn",
        "comment": "Warn in case there's circular dependencies",
        "from": {},
        "to": { "circular": true }

For each dependency this will answer the question: When I follow this dependency, will I end up with myself? and hoist a warning flag when it is.

  • Run dependency-cruiser
depcruise -v -- src

Detecting circular dependencies is heavy work. Especially on larger code bases (thousands of files in one dependency graph) you might notice an impact on the performance when you add a rule that checks for circular dependencies.

Example: the coffee-script compiler source

Running with this rule e.g. against the coffeescript transpiler code base will yield

  warn no-circular: →
  warn no-circular: →

✖ 2 dependency violations (0 errors, 2 warnings). 23 modules cruised.

or, rendered as a graph (depcruise -v -x node_modules -T dot src | dot -T svg > coffee-deps.svg)

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