npm dependency-cruiser 2.13.0
Sorry Ben! (v2.13.0)

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
6 years ago
  • 🐣 (typescript): add a command line switch to opt in to typescript pre-compilation dependencies (#31)
  • 🐛 (typescript): make typescript (pre-compilation) dependency detection compiler version independent
  • ⬆️ ajv, typescript

This release partly makes the detection of typescript pre-compilation dependencies (unused imports and types-only imports) an opt-in affair, as this is not always desired.

If you need or want typescript pre-compilation only dependencies to be cruised do one of these:

  • pass --ts-pre-compilation-deps as a command line option
  • if you have a .dependency-cruiser.json, put "tsPreCompilationDeps": true in the options section:
    "options": {
        "doNotFollow": "^node_modules",
        "tsPreCompilationDeps": true

Read more in the FAQ and the command line reference.

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