npm dependency-cruiser 2.0.0
Err... (v2.0.0)

latest releases: 16.3.3, 16.3.2, 16.3.1...
7 years ago

The changes in this release are not that big, they are however 'breaking' a.c.t. the previous releases. Despite this, the migration effort will probably be small to non-existent. Here's the list of breaking changes, so you can judge for yourself:

  • 🐥 makes the 'err' reporter the default option over the 'json' one.
    The 'json' reporter is mostly there for development/ debugging, whereas the 'err' reporter is one of dependency-cruisers's main intended uses.
  • 👞 remove the vis reporter.
    The vis reporter looked nice, but its visual representation was useful only for toy projects.
  • 👞 remove coffee-script and typescript as dependencies.
    Don't worry, dependency-cruisers still supports CoffeeSript and TypeScript. This change just means it'll use the transpiler already available in the node_modules it's installed in. This saves in download time (/ disk space) It also means it'll use the same version of the transpiler you are using already.
  • 👞 remove two deprecated rules you could use in your rules configuration:
    • the ownFolder rule - which was deprecated in favour of regular expression group matching, which is more flexible and more straightforward to use. See the section on group matching in the rules reference for details.
    • the coreModule rule - which was already deprecated in favour of the more versatile dependencyTypes rule

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