npm dependency-cruiser 16.2.0

latest releases: 16.3.4, 16.3.3, 16.3.2...
4 months ago

✨ features

  • 0f9fac9/ 231ad6e feat(report): adds a reporter that combines a dot reporter with executing dot and running the wrap-stream-in-html command (#907)

📖 documentation

  • 0fd4519 doc: rewrites copy on experimental features (which in some cases weren't experimental anymore)

👷 maintenance

  • b592264 refactor(cli|report): moves responsibility to ensure output ends on an EOL to the individual reporters (#908)
  • af96c16 chore: for the local depcruise:graph:view commands use the experimental all-in-one reporter
  • bba4ee1 build(npm): updates external dependencies

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