✨ features
- d0088f9 feature(report): markdown: format cycle, metric and module only violations (#619)
- 1bfe74b feature(report): markdown: adds (configurable) ignored violations (#618)
- 3fff445 feature(metrics): calculate metrics when the current reporter's option specifies to show them (#617) (thanks to @czlowiek488 for helping me see this improvement)
- acab0db feature(mermaid-plugin): adds focus highlighting (#616) (thanks @MH4GF for the PR review)
- 92c7fe8 feature(report): converts the mermaid plugin to a regular reporter (#622)
📖 documentation
- 100b6c8 doc(report): metrics reporter: type the options parameter
- 7cf6ceb doc(rules-reference): makes formula fit mathjax syntax
🐛 fixes
- d3a69bf bugfix(report): metrics reporter: prevent error by ignoring folders for which Ca/Ce/I can't be calculated (#620)
🔏 sha-sum: ad728a8e510c65b1887970e5396f45d0e2b5321e