Version 11 will be published soon. As an experiment we'll back port non-breaking features & fixes to v10 for some time when possible - these will be published on npm under the version-10
tag (latest
will from the next release on be reserved for v11).
🌟 features
- a0767fa feature: adds instability metric + dedicated metrics reporter (#524) - thanks @tujger for the suggestion and the feedback!
🐛 fixes
- e137300 bugfix: re-baseline so cycle fixed in v11 doesn't bother us here
- 1d7c08d bugfix(known-violations): also soften self-cycling violations (#532)
- 0ed8e28 doc(FAQ): correct some links + copy fixes
👷 maintenance
- 9149e9f perf(enrich): use different caching strategy for finding modules by name (#531)
- b9afb72 ci: add v10 branch to checked branches
- fa2ac33 build(npm): ⬆️ @babel/core, @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs, @babel/preset-typescript, @swc/core, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, @vue/compiler-sfc, acorn, ajv, chalk, eslint, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-unicorn, lint-staged, prettier, svelte, tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin, typescript