npm dependency-cruiser 1.1.0

latest releases: 16.3.4, 16.3.3, 16.3.2...
7 years ago

Changes since 1.0.4

  • Dependency-cruiser now also runs on slightly older versions of nodejs (4 and up)
    (tested, updated package.json - included a ci target for nodejs 4, 6 and latest)
  • The dot reporter now clusters modules to improve visual grepping - see below for a simple sample.
  • Switched to github as main repository.

a simple sample, based on the fixtures folder in dependency-cruiser/test

... which is what you get when you run this:

cd test/fixtures
dependency-cruise -T dot -r rules.sub-not-allowed.json -x "(node_modules|json$)" . | dot -T png > sample-dot-output.png

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