npm css-loader 6.3.0

latest releases: 7.1.2, 7.1.1, 7.1.0...
2 years ago

6.3.0 (2021-09-18)


  • added [folder] placeholder (a0dee4f)
  • added the exportType option with 'array', 'string' and 'css-style-sheet' values (c6d2066)
    • 'array' - the default export is Array with API for style-loader and other
    • 'string' - the default export is String you don't need to-string-loader loader anymore
    • 'css-style-sheet' - the default export is a constructable stylesheet, you can use import sheet from './styles.css' assert { type: 'css' }; like in a browser, more information you can find here
  • supported supports() and layer() functions in @import at-rules (#1377) (bce2c17)
  • fix multiple merging multiple @media at-rules (#1377) (bce2c17)

Bug Fixes

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