npm code-push 1.9.0-beta

latest releases: 4.2.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.1...
8 years ago

This release introduces a few account management features. It is available now on NPM and can be installed by running npm i -g code-push-cli@latest.

New Features

  1. CodePush accounts can now use both Microsoft and GitHub credentials to login We introduced a new code-push link command that allows you to link an additional identity provider to an existing CodePush account. So if you registered with MS and want to link GitHub, or vice-versa, you now can.
  2. We introduced a new code-push whoami command that allows you to display the e-mail address of the account you are currently logged in to the CLI as, as well as the list of identity providers your account is currently linked to (see above)

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