npm code-push 1.7.0-beta

latest releases: 4.2.1, 4.2.0, 4.1.3...
8 years ago

This release introduces general CLI performance improvements across the board, as well as a handful of highly requested feature items. It is available now on NPM and can be installed by running npm i -g code-push-cli@latest.

New Features

  1. We finally polished up and shipped the Node.js management SDK that underlies our CLI. This allows you to write automated build scripts more easily, without needing to shell out to the CLI. You can find out details for getting started here.
  2. The release command now allows you to specify a semver range as the value of the targetBinaryVersion parameter, which allows you to target a single CodePush release at multiple binary versions (if desired). You can continue to release to specific versions (e.g. 1.4.5), but you now have the flexibility to perform complex release strategies based on the binary compatibility policies that suit your needs (e.g. >=1.2.3, 1.1.*). Refer to the CLI docs for more details on this new capability.
  3. A new code-push deployment clear command has been introduced to the CLI, which allows you to keep an existing deployment and key (which may have already been configured within an app), but clear the release history. This can be helpful during debugging or POC scenarios, where you iterated on a lot of releases, and now want to clean things up without needing to create a new deployment with a new key.
  4. We added two new optional parameters to the existing release-react command: --bundleName and --dev. The former lets you customize the name of the JS bundle which is generated (it defaults to main.jsbundle) if desired, and the --dev flag is simply a pass-through to the equivalent option in the react-native CLI.

Breaking Changes

To accommodate the performance improvements that we made to the server, we needed to make some breaking changes that will require users to be on 1.7.0+ of the CLI to continue managing their accounts. We will be maintaining the old/compatible server for the next two weeks, but after that, we will require users to upgrade. It only requires a single NPM command, so it shouldn't be too difficult :) To be extremely clear, this will have no impact on end-users at all. It only impacts the CLI and your ability to release updates, not device's ability to receive updates.

If you are reading this, and have already upgraded to the latest CLI, then you don't need to do anything else. However, we will be phasing out the old server in two weeks, and at that point, if you haven't upgraded to this release (or newer), you will get an error message asking you to upgrade.

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