npm clsx 2.1.0

latest release: 2.1.1
14 months ago


  • Add new clsx/lite submodule for string-only usage: 1a49142

    This is a 140b version of clsx that is ideal for Tailwind and/or React contexts, which typically follow this clsx usage pattern:

    clsx('foo bar', props.maybe && 'conditional classes', props.className);

    Important: This clsx/lite module ignores all non-string arguments and is therefore not a 1:1 replacement for clsx itself!

    import { clsx } from 'clsx';
    import { clsx as lite } from 'clsx/lite';
    // strings-only usage is identical
    clsx('foo', null, 'bar', true && 'baz'); //=> "foo bar baz"
    lite('foo', null, 'bar', true && 'baz'); //=> "foo bar baz"
    // clsx/lite ignores all non-strings
    clsx('foo', { a: true, b: false, c: true }); //=> "foo a c"
    lite('foo', { a: true, b: false, c: true }); //=> "foo"

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0

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