Rewrote all unit tests as cheerio transitioned from vows -> mocha
Internally, renderer.render -> render(...), parser.parse -> parse(...)
Append, prepend, html, before, after all work with only text (no tags)
Bugfix: Attributes can now be removed from script and style tags
Added yield as a single tag
Cheerio now compatible with node >=0.4.7
0.3.2 / 2011-12-1
Fixed $(...).text(...) to work with "root" element
0.3.1 / 2011-11-25
Now relying on cheerio-soupselect instead of node-soupselect
Removed all lingering htmlparser dependencies
parser now returns parent "root" element. Root now never needs to be updated when there is multiple roots. This fixes ongoing issues with before(...), after(...) and other manipulation functions
Added jQuery's $(...).replaceWith(...)