npm bugsnag-react-native 2.10.1

latest releases: 2.23.10, 2.23.9, 2.23.8...
5 years ago

This release simplifies the installation and quick setup process to do all
configuration in JavaScript, provided that React Native is the primary way to
interact with your app (rather than having React Native components as a part of
a larger native app). See the integration guide updated configuration

For applications using React Native to serve a few components (but not the whole
app), there is a new Enhanced native integration

with additional configuration steps to ensure every crash is captured and

Bug fixes

  • Fix possible mismatch between session release stage and error report release
    stage, which could result in inconsistent crash rates on the Releases
    dashboard as a session was assigned to an incorrect release stage.

  • (android) Address javac compiler warnings and intellij inspections

  • (cocoa) Upgrade bugsnag-cocoa to v5.16.2:

    • Fix a regression in session tracking which caused the first session HTTP
      request to be delivered on the calling thread when automatic session tracking
      is enabled

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