npm buefy 0.3.0

latest releases: 0.9.29, 0.9.28, 0.9.27...
6 years ago


Show any content you want in a modal programatically, like an image:

    `<p class="image is-4by3">
        <img src="./static/placeholder-1280x960.png">

or a component:

import CustomComponent from './components/CustomComponent'

    component: CustomComponent


Breakable changes on it, now requires a scoped slot to wrap the columns, and a slot inside the column. You have now full control over the content of cells:

<b-table :data="data">
    <template scope="props">
        <b-table-column field="id" label="ID" sortable numeric>
            {{ }}

        <b-table-column field="user.first_name" label="First Name" sortable>
            {{ props.row.user.first_name }}

        <b-table-column field="date" label="Date" sortable

        <b-table-column field="gender" label="Gender">
                :icon="props.row.gender === 'Male' ? 'mars' : 'venus'">
            {{ props.row.gender }}
  • Prop selectable renamed to selected and expects an Object, if you have Vuejs v2.3+ you can use the .sync modifier to make it two-way binding:
<b-table :data="data" :selected.sync="selectedRow">

is the same as:

<b-table :data="data" :selected="selectedRow" @select="row => selectedRow = row">
  • Table new prop checked-rows that expects an Array, if you have Vuejs v2.3+ you can use the .sync modifier to make it two-way binding
  • Table render-html prop removed thanks to the new syntax
  • Column component prop removed thanks to the new syntax
  • Column field prop now accepts nested object keys


  • Breaking: Select b-option is now only option
  • Breaking: Dropdown b-option is now b-dropdown-option
  • Fix Dropdown background overlay index
  • #43 Fix Dialog cancel button focus state
  • #50 Add page-change event on Table
  • #52 Fix Select option
  • #53 Add type=button to notifications

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