npm bson 4.2.2

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3 years ago

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.2.2 of the bson module!

This patch fixes a critical bug in the 4.2.1 release we recommend all users of 4.2.1 upgrade to this version immediately. There was an unintended dependency published on tslib without tslib being specified in our package.json.

This patch includes additional 'inspect' methods on each BSON type class that makes printing out values consistent and readable.


  • remove tslib usage and fix Long method alias
  • NODE-2846 - Missing function overload type for EJSON.stringify
  • NODE-2847 - bson does not expose a default export
  • NODE-2848 - bson@4.2.0 breaks serialization with bson@1.x


  • NODE-2844 - Add downlevel-dts to our BSON type definitions pipeline
  • NODE-2875 - Add correct inspect methods for BSON Types
  • NODE-2845 - Make Long class alias methods into methods rather than properties


We invite you to try the bson library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.
Thanks very much to all the community members who contributed to this release!

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