npm bootstrap-vue 2.0.3

latest releases: 2.23.1, 2.23.0, 2.22.0...
4 years ago

Released: 2019-10-05

Please see the changelog for a complete list of commits, and the online documentation for usage.

Bug Fixes v2.0.3

  • b-form-file: fix prop type checking for value prop (#4168) (a8e2e56)
  • b-nav-item-dropdown: focus-out handling when new focus comes from another dropdown-toggle (closes #4113) (#4139) (9c37875)
  • b-table: minor code optimizations to filter debouncing (#4167) (018eef1)
  • b-table, b-table-lite, b-table-simple: disable sticky header max-height on printers / print media (#4147) (24c62c5)
  • b-tooltip, b-popover: add SVGElement as acceptable prop type (closes #4173) (#4174) (fab7fea)
  • v-b-modal: bind to inner link or button for dropdown items or nav items (fixes #4149) (#4187) (5c28bd2)

Performance v2.0.3

  • b-table, b-table-lite: delegate row event handlers to the tbody element (#4192) (3f0d46a)
  • tables: make b-th extend b-td instead of using functional wrappers (#4156) (c9715a8)
  • tables: improve provide/inject performance (addresses #4155) (#4164) (152fefc)

Docs v2.0.3

  • add prop descriptions to component reference tables (closes #3647) (#4161) (fdd2a83)
  • add quick links (page table of contents) to docs pages for small screens, and add table of contents to
    section index pages (instead of a redirect to first child page) (#4145) (fdd2a83)

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