npm bootstrap-vue 2.0.0-rc.22

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4 years ago

2.0.0-rc.22 (2019-05-31)

Please see the changelog for a complete list of commits, and the online documentation for usage.

Notable changes

  • Improved/sortened method for importing of plugins, components, and directives, as top-level named exports.
    The ESM and CJS builds now both include these top level named exports.
  • Reverted the es/ build directory (changed in v2.0.0-rc.21) back to mini-commonjs modules (from true ES modules) due to issues with Nuxt.js dev mode and some webpack builds expecting CJS format when cherry-picking individual components, directives and plugins from sub-directories.
  • DEPRECATION: The es/ build has been deprecated in favour of the newer esm and cjs builds, which allows for importing individual components, directives and plugins from top-level named exports. Users are encouraged to update their imports to the new syntax.


  • b-modal: use safeId() when comparing id received by hide/show handler
  • b-tabs: fix regression with dynamically added tabs not showing
  • form controls: handle autofocus when inside a modal (or when inside a transition)
  • nuxt module: use bundle new esm build of bootstrap-vue
  • types: fix typing of BvComponent and BvPlugin
  • es/ directory build, revert to mini-cjs modules (note es/ dir is now deprecated)


  • b-button: new prop squared for generating buttons with squared corners
  • b-tooltip, b-popover: allow global delay customization via config
  • All plugins, components, and directives are now available as top-level named exports:
    • Default export is still the BootstrapVue plugin
    • Simplified import format for importing components, directives, plugins: import { ModalPlugin, CardPlugin, BAlert, BRow, BCol, VBScollspyPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'
    • New esm/ modular build with top-level named exports (tree shakeable)
    • New dist/bootstrap-vue.esm.js esm bundle with top-level named exports
    • New dist/bootstrap-vue.common.js bundle with top-level named exports
    • No need to cherry-pick from sub directories for plugins/components/directives
    • Most package bundlers will pick the appropriate build automatically
  • Nuxt module:
    • Improved tree shaking using the new import methods
    • Automatically adds transformAssetUrls settings for BootstrapVue component props.

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