npm babylon 6.13.0

latest releases: 7.0.0-beta.47, 7.0.0-beta.46, 7.0.0-beta.45...
7 years ago

v6.13.0 (2016-10-21)

👓 Spec Compliancy

Property variance type annotations for Flow plugin (#161) (Sam Goldman)

See for more information

type T = { +p: T };
interface T { -p: T };
declare class T { +[k:K]: V };
class T { -[k:K]: V };
class C2 { +p: T = e };

Raise error on duplicate definition of __proto__ (#183) (Moti Zilberman)

({ __proto__: 1, __proto__: 2 }) // Throws an error now

🐛 Bug Fix

Flow: Allow class properties to be named static (#184) (Moti Zilberman)

declare class A {
  static: T;

Allow "async" as identifier for object literal property shorthand (#187) (Andrew Levine)

var foo = { async, bar };

💅 Polish

Fix flowtype and add inType to state (#189) (Daniel Tschinder)

This improves the performance slightly (because of hidden classes)

🏠 Internal

Fix .gitattributes line ending setting (#191) (Moti Zilberman)

Increase test coverage (#175) (Moti Zilberman)

Re-add missing .eslintignore for IDEs (Daniel Tschinder)

Error on missing expected.json fixture in CI (#188) (Moti Zilberman)

Add .gitattributes and .editorconfig for LF line endings (#179) (Moti Zilberman)

Fixes two tests that are failing after the merge of #172 (#177) (Moti Zilberman)

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