npm babylon 6.12.0

latest releases: 7.0.0-beta.47, 7.0.0-beta.46, 7.0.0-beta.45...
7 years ago

v6.12.0 (2016-10-14)

👓 Spec Compliancy

Implement import() syntax (#163) (Jordan Gensler)

Dynamic Import

This repository contains a proposal for adding a "function-like" import() module loading syntactic form to JavaScript

.then(module => {

Add EmptyTypeAnnotation (#171) (Sam Goldman)


Just wasn't covered before.

type T = empty;

🐛 Bug Fix

Fix crash when exporting with destructuring and sparse array (#170) (Jeroen Engels)

// was failing due to sparse array
export const { foo: [ ,, qux7 ] } = bar;

Allow keyword in Flow object declaration property names with type parameters (#146) (Dan Harper)

declare class X {
  foobar<T>(): void;
  static foobar<T>(): void;

Allow keyword in object/class property names with Flow type parameters (#145) (Dan Harper)

class Foo {
  delete<T>(item: T): T {
    return item;

Allow typeAnnotations for yield expressions (#174)) (Daniel Tschinder)

function *foo() {
  const x = (yield 5: any);

💅 Polish

Annotate more errors with expected token (#172)) (Moti Zilberman)

// Unexpected token, expected ; (1:6)
{ set 1 }

🏠 Internal

Remove kcheck (#173)) (Daniel Tschinder)

Also run flow, linting, babel tests on seperate instances (add back node 0.10)

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