npm babel-watch 7.3.0
7.3.0: Features!

latest releases: 7.8.1, 7.8.0, 7.7.2...
3 years ago

A few new features in this release:

  • Added --before-restart option. Use to synchronously execute a script between restarts (#79, #80, #102,#108). For example:
    • babel-watch --before-restart="yarn lint" app.js
  • Added colors to output (and --no-colors option)
    • This changes the default RESTARTING message in favor of something a little less obnoxious. It also prints the files that caused the restart. You can still change it using --message.
  • Added --restart-command, so you can change the default rs<enter> to manually restart. If you set --restart-command=false, the stdin handler is turned off entirely, which is desirable for certain interactive applications. (#35)
  • Added sourcemaps when --debug/--debug-brk/--inspect/--inspect-brk are present. (#62, #118)
    • Added --no-debug-source-maps to disable this behavior, which can be useful if you want to debug the raw transpiled output.

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