npm antd 5.9.0

latest releases: 5.20.6, 5.20.5, 5.20.4...
12 months ago
  • 🔥 Table component now supports the virtual attribute to enable virtual scrolling. #44349
  • 🔥 Form's validateFields now supports recursive to validate all fields with nested paths. #44130
  • 🔥 Form.Item now supports validateDebounce to configure validation debounce. #44633
  • 🆕 Button component has added three component tokens: contentFontSize, contentFontSizeSM, and contentFontSizeLG, allowing customization of font sizes for different sizes. #44257
  • 🆕 Form's requiredMark now supports custom rendering. #44073
  • 🆕 Tabs component has added a new component token itemColor to control the text color of normal tabs. #44201
  • 🆕 ColorPicker now supports defaultFormat. #44487 @CYBYOB
  • 🆕 Form supports feedbackIcons and Form.Item supports hasFeedback={{ icons: ... }}, now feedback icons could be customized in both ways. #43894 @gldio
  • 🆕 Added the itemSelectedColor component token to the Segmented component. #44570 @xiaozisong
  • 🆕 Added support for custom function rendering in the Modal footer. #44318 @RedJue
  • 🆕 Added responsive setting support for items.span in Descriptions. #44534
  • 🆕 Added support for global configuration of indicatorSize in Tabs component through ConfigProvider. #44517
  • 🆕 Added the direction parameter to the filterOption function in the Transfer component. #44417 @Zian502
  • 🆕 Added support for the source parameter in the onSearch method of the Input.Search component. #44457 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Added a component token to the Input component for customizing the shadow when activated. #44410
  • 🆕 Added a component token to the Radio component for customizing the color when the fill button is selected. #44389
  • 🆕 Tour component now supports horizontal offset for spacing. #44377 @RedJue
  • 🆕 Tour component now supports customizing the close button using the closeIcon prop. #44312 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Avatar component now supports configuring size using ConfigProvider. #44288 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 List component now supports configuring size using ConfigProvider's componentSize option. #44267 @Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Cascader component now supports autoClearSearchValue option. #44033 @linxianxi
  • 🆕 Added support for rootClassName in Upload,AutoComplete,Badge.Ribbon,Input.TextArea,RangePicker,TimePicker @kiner-tang.
  • 💄 Refactored the structure of Modal.confirm to fix the width abnormality caused by width: fit-content and the style line break issue with a large amount of text. Extracted confirm styles for lazy loading to optimize style size in SSR. #44557
  • 💄 Adjusted the linear gradient colors for circle and dashboard in Progress to conical gradients. #44404
  • 💄 Fixed DatePicker missing custom footer style. #44642 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Fixed Tag where tag.className and did not work on Tag.CheckableTag in ConfigProvider. #44602
  • 💄 Fixed the inconsistency in width between the dropdown and the input box when the container of Select component has transform: scale style configured in getPopupContainer option. #44378
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where Form.Item with noStyle configuration prevented the bound element from consuming useStatus. #44576
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where using Tag within Popover/Popconfirm caused incorrect font-size on hover. #44663
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where Input's default button had extra shadow. #44660 @daledelv
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where using Modal's hooks to close it with the esc key didn't correctly trigger the await. #44646
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the preset size of Space did not follow the Design Token, now compact mode correctly handles the corresponding spacing values. #44598 @li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue in Upload where the download button would still be displayed after clicking on it and moving the mouse out of the file. #44594 @zbw-zbw
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton that margin not work with href in FloatButton.Group. #44707 @Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where fontSizeSM token was not being applied to Button component. #44217 @CHENGTIANG
  • 🐞 The Watermark now works in nested Modal and Drawer components. #44104
  • 🛠 Alert, Tree, Cascader, Layout, Table, Modal, Drawer, Button, Switch, Select, Badge, Form, TimePicker, Spin, Input, Progress, Divider Added Component Token. #42142 #42607 #42627 #42757 #42774 #42778 #44090 #44118 #44174 #44228 #44261 #44282 #44334 #42192 @hms181231 @linhf123 @poyiding @Wxh16144 @Yuiai01
  • 🛠 Remove compatibility logic for old versions of IE browser for Space and Grid components to reduce bundle size. #44620 @li-jia-nan
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 Table 支持 virtual 属性开启虚拟滚动。#44349
  • 🔥 Form validateFields 支持 recursive 以校验所有包含路径的字段。#44130
  • 🔥 Form.Item 支持 validateDebounce 以配置校验防抖。#44633
  • 🆕 Button 组件新增 contentFontSize contentFontSizeSM contentFontSizeLG 三个组件 token ,用于定制各个尺寸下的字体大小。#44257
  • 🆕 Form requiredMark 支持自定义渲染。#44073
  • 🆕 Tabs 组件添加新组件 Token itemColor,用于控制常态 tab 的文本颜色。#44201
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 组件支持 defaultFormat 属性。#44487 @CYBYOB
  • 🆕 Form 新增 feedbackIcons 属性且 Form.Item 支持 hasFeedback={{ icons: ... }},用于自定义校验图标。#43894 @gldio
  • 🆕 Segmented 组件新增 itemSelectedColor 的组件 Token。#44570 @xiaozisong
  • 🆕 Modal 页脚 footer 支持自定义函数渲染。#44318 @RedJue
  • 🆕 Descriptions 的 items.span 支持响应式设置。#44534
  • 🆕 Tabs 组件 indicatorSize 支持通过 ConfigProvider 全局配置。#44406
  • 🆕 Transfer 组件 filterOption 函数新增 direction 入参。#44417 @Zian502
  • 🆕 Input.Search 组件支持在 onSearch 方法中接受 source 参数。#44457 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Input 组件新增组件 Token 用于定制激活态阴影。#44410
  • 🆕 Radio 组件新增组件 Token,用于定制填充按钮选中时的颜色。#44389
  • 🆕 Tour 组件间距支持横向偏移量。#44377 @RedJue
  • 🆕 Tour 组件支持通过 closeIcon 来自定义关闭按钮。#44312 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Avatar 支持使用 ConfigProvider 的 componentSize 配置 size#44288 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 List 支持使用 ConfigProvider 的 componentSize 配置 size#44267 @Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Cascader 支持 autoClearSearchValue 属性。#44033 @linxianxi
  • 🆕 在 UploadAutoCompleteBadge.RibbonInput.TextAreaRangePickerTimePicker 中添加了对 rootClassName 的支持。@kiner-tang
  • 💄 重构 Modal.confirm 结构以修复 width: fit-content 导致宽度异常问题以及大量文本下的样式断行问题。抽离 confirm 样式至懒加载以优化 SSR 下的样式尺寸。#44557
  • 💄 Progress 调整 circledashboard 的线性渐变色为锥形渐变色。#44404
  • 💄 修复 DatePicker 组件自定义页脚样式问题。#44642 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 ConfigProvider 无法作用于 Tag.CheckableTag 的问题。#44602
  • 💄 修复 Select 配置的 getPopupContainer 容器有 transform: scale 样式时,弹出框宽度与输入框不一致的情况。#44378
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 配置 noStyle 时,被绑定的元素无法消费 useStatus 的问题。#44576
  • 🐞 修复 Tag 被 Popover/Popconfirm 包裹时,Hover 会导致 font-size 错误的问题。#44663
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 组合中,搜索按钮会额外阴影的问题。#44660 @daledelv
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 的 hooks 调用通过按键 esc 关闭时无法正确触发 await 的问题。#44646
  • 🐞 修复 Space 的预设 size 不会跟随 Design Token 的问题,现在紧凑模式也会正确处理对应的间距数值。#44598 @li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 组件点击某文件的下载按钮后,鼠标移出该文件时仍展示下载按钮的问题。#44594 @zbw-zbw
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 组件添加 href 后在 FloatButton.Group 中间距失效的问题。#44707 @Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Button fontSizeSM token 不生效的问题。#44217 @CHENGTIANG
  • 🐞 Watermark 现在可以在嵌套的 Modal 和 Drawer 组件中生效。#44104
  • 🛠 迁移 Alert、Tree、Cascader、Layout、Table、Modal、Drawer、Button、Switch、Select、Badge、Form、TimePicker、Spin、Input、Progress、Divider 的 less 变量到 Token。 #42142 #42607 #42627 #42757 #42774 #42778 #44090#44118 #44174 #44228 #44261 #44282 #44334 #42192 @hms181231 @linhf123 @poyiding @Wxh16144 @Yuiai01
  • 📦 移除 Space 和 Grid 对于旧版 IE 浏览器兼容逻辑,减少打包产物体积。#44620 @li-jia-nan
  • TypeScript

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