npm antd 5.21.2

10 hours ago
  • 🐞 Revert #49221 to fix Typography copyable icon align issue. #51066 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Tabs flicker when browser zoom is enabled. #51072 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Select incorrect activeBorderColor token when variant is filled. #51054 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Fixed Input.Search alignment issue between the input field and search button at different zoom levels. #50926 @nathanlao
  • 💄 MISC: Tweak outline width of focus style from 4px to 3px. #51069 @afc163
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue with Splitter dragging abnormally on touch screen devices. #51060 @sakuraee
    • 💄 Fixed Splitter.Panel style is invalid error. #51032 @wanpan11
  • ⚡️ Remove TransButton in Table/Transfer/Typography. #51068 @afc163

  • 🐞 回滚 #49221 以修复 Typography copyable 图标位置偏上的问题。#51066 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 在浏览器缩放时无限闪烁的问题。#51072 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复了 Input.Search 组件中在不同缩放级别下输入框和按钮的对齐问题。#50926 @nathanlao
  • 🐞 修复 Select variant="filled"activeBorderColor token 失效的问题。#51054 @coding-ice
  • 💄 MISC: 调整 focus 时的 outline 边框宽度,从 4px 调整到 3px#51069 @afc163
  • Splitter
  • 📦 移除 Table/Transfer/Typography 内的 TransButton 实现以降低打包体积。#51068 @afc163

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