npm antd 5.21.0

2 hours ago
  • 🔥 Introduce the new Splitter component, draggale split panel. #50038 @wanpan11
  • Button
    • 🔥 Button supports variant and color properties for more combination styles. #50051 @coding-ice
    • 💄 Button adds textColor, textHoverColor and textActiveColor tokens. #47870 @madocto
  • FloatButton
    • 🆕 FloatButton supports placement property, allowing menus to pop up from multiple directions. #50407 @li-jia-nan
      float button
    • 🆕 FloatButton supports htmlType prop. #50892 @li-jia-nan
    • 💄 Unify FloatButton and FloatButton.Group button round style. #50513 @Layouwen
    • 💄 Manage FloatButton's z-index with useZIndex to improve compatibility with other popup components. #50311 @li-jia-nan
  • Menu
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table supports minWidth for columns. #50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 Fix Table empty and shadow issues in virtual mode. #50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 Fix Table column selection issue where deselection was not possible under certain circumstances. #50746 @Jarryxin
  • Input
    • 🆕 Input.OTP support type to help handle some case need number only. #50811 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Fix Select inside Input addon text color when Select is focused. #50486 @DDDDD12138
  • Modal
    • ⌨️ Fix Modal throws warning avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. #50823 @afc163
    • 🆕 Modal supports closable.disabled prop now. #50522 @Ke1sy
  • Descriptions
    • 🐞 Fix Descriptions column is missing in some cases. #50895 @yezhonghu0503
    • 🐞 Revert #49946 to fix the issue where the popup layer component inside Descriptions is being cut off. #50891 @afc163
  • Upload
    • 🆕 Upload will pass name prop to <input type="file" />. #50652 @Wxh16144
    • 🆕 Upload showUploadList.showXxxIcon accept a function value now. #50245 @guoyunhe
  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker when type hex input may not get correct color with precision issue. #50843 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Adjust ColorPicker popup panel not lock by value to allow control mode with onChangeComplete scenarios. #50785 @zombieJ
  • App
    • 🐞 Fixed App warn about zIndex too large when using the modal with having popup component method via useApp. #50829 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Fix App rtl style does not respect ConfigProvider direction prop. #50246 @li-jia-nan
  • Pagination
    • 🆕 Pagination showSizeChanger accepts Select props now. #50952 @afc163
    • 💄 Remove Pagination default font family. #50808 @afc163
  • Select
    • 💄 Add more tokens for Select to customize hover/focus style. #50951 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix Select search text overlap with arrow icon. #50917 @thinkasany
    • 🐞 Fix Select extra background of clear icon when enable allowClear and variant="filled". #50916 @yezhonghu0503
  • 🆕 Segmented adds vertical property and improves accessibility. #50708 @liangchaofei
    Segmented vertical demo
  • 🆕 Radio.Group supports block prop now. #50828 @yuanliu147
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider supports configuring the className and style properties of the Splitter component. #50855 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Image add onActive to toolbarRender for toggling images . #50812 @madocto
  • 🆕 Add ref on List component. #50772 @Asanio06
  • 🆕 Collapse support classNames and styles for semantic style customization. #50557 @wanpan11
  • 💄 Make Skeleton.Node custom node by remove it's default icon children. #50278 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Layout.Sider can not modify theme when used alone. #50780 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Typography copyable with array children has additional , string issue. #50813 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Tour where long title will overlap with close button. #50942 @kiner-tang
  • 🌐 Localization
    • 🇯🇵 Added ja_JP locale for DatePicker's shortWeekDays and shortMonths text. #50893 @harapeko
    • 🇪🇬 Added Arabic ar_EG text for Image preview feature. #50851 @nathanlao
    • 🇬🇷 Added Greek text for the Form component. #50825 @nathanlao
    • 🇪🇸 Added Spanish es_ES text for the Tour component. #50805 @thinkasany
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 全新 Splitter 区域分割组件,自由拖拽调整区域大小。#50038 @wanpan11
  • Button
    • 🔥 Button 支持 variant 变体和 color 颜色属性,以支持更多组合样式。#50051 @coding-ice
    • 💄 Button 添加 textColortextHoverColortextActiveColor 三个 token。#47870 @madocto
  • FloatButton
    • 🆕 FloatButton 组件支持 placement 属性,支持从四个方向弹出菜单。(实现方式改为 position: absolute + flex 布局,可能会对你现有的布局造成 breaking change,请注意兼容)#50407 @li-jia-nan
      float button
    • 💄 统一 FloatButton 和 FloatButton.Group 的按钮圆角。#50513 @Layouwen
    • 💄 FloatButton 组件的 z-index 加入 useZIndex 管理,兼容弹层类组件。#50311 @li-jia-nan
    • 🆕 FloatButton 支持传入 htmlType 属性。#50892 @li-jia-nan
  • Menu
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table 列支持配置 minWidth 属性。#50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 修复 Table 虚拟表格下的空数据和阴影问题。#50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 修复 Table 列选择在某些情况下无法取消选择的问题。#50746 @Jarryxin
  • Input
    • 🆕 Input.OTP 添加 type 属性以支持只需要输入数字的场景。#50811 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 修复 Input Addon 内 Select 选中时的文字颜色。#50486 @DDDDD12138
  • Modal
    • ⌨️ 修复 Modal 抛出 avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor 警告的问题。#50823 @afc163
    • 🆕 Modal 支持 closable.disabled 属性以禁用关闭按钮。#50522 @Ke1sy
  • Descriptions
  • Upload
    • 🆕 Upload name 属性将透传给 <input type="file" />#50652 @Wxh16144
    • 🆕 Upload 的 showUploadList.showXxxIcon 选项支持传入函数。#50245 @guoyunhe
  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在 hex 输入框输入颜色时,部分颜色会因为精度问题得到不正确的颜色的问题。#50843 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 调整 ColorPicker 在受控时,弹出面板现在不会被 value 锁定从而允许与 onChangeComplete 配合使用的受控场景。#50785 @zombieJ
  • App
    • 🐞 修复 App 的 useApp 调用 modal 方法时,填入弹层组件会警告 zIndex 过大的问题。#50829 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 修复 App rtl 样式不遵守 ConfigProvider direction 配置。#50246 @li-jia-nan
  • Pagination
    • 🆕 Pagination showSizeChanger 属性现在支持传入 Select 属性对象。#50952 @afc163
    • 💄 移除 Pagination 默认 font-family 样式。#50808 @afc163
  • Select
    • 💄 Select 组件新增一些 token 以支持自定义 hover 和 focus 样式。#50951 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复 Select 搜索模式下搜索词内容覆盖右侧图标的问题。#50917 @yezhonghu0503
    • 🐞 修复 Select 同时启用 allowClearvariant="filled" 时清除图标多余的白色背景的问题。#50916 @yezhonghu0503
  • 🆕 Segmented 新增 vertical 属性以支持垂直模式,并优化了可访问性。#50708 @liangchaofei
    Segmented vertical demo
  • 🆕 Radio.Group 支持 block 属性以撑满一行。#50828 @yuanliu147
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 Splitter 组件的 classNamestyle 属性。#50855 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Image 新增 onActivetoolbarRender 以切换图片 。#50812 @madocto
  • 🆕 List 组件支持传递 ref 属性。#50772 @Asanio06
  • 🆕 Collapse 支持语义化 classNamesstyles 属性。#50557 @wanpan11
  • 💄 移除 Skeleton.Node 默认的图标 children 使其成为真正的自定义节点。#50278 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Typography copyable 对数组 children 复制时会有额外 , 字符的问题。#50813 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 单独使用时无法修改主题的问题。#50780 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Tour 组件标题过长时会遮挡关闭按钮的问题。#50942 @kiner-tang
  • 🌐 本地化
    • 🇯🇵 补充 DatePicker ja_JP 语言环境的 shortWeekDaysshortMonths 文案。#50893 @harapeko
    • 🇪🇬 补充 Image 预览功能的 ar_EG 阿拉伯语文案。#50851 @nathanlao
    • 🇬🇷 补充 Form 组件的希腊语文案。#50825 @nathanlao
    • 🇪🇸 补充 Tour 组件的西班牙语文案。#50805 @thinkasany
  • TypeScript

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