npm antd 5.13.2

latest releases: 5.19.1, 5.19.0, 5.18.3...
5 months ago
  • 🐞 Fix that the inline rendering does not take effect when the preview.getContainer value for Image is false. #47034 @FEyudong
  • 🐞 Fix Modal static function with prefixCls breaks children other component prefixCls and thus bring the motion miss. #47010
  • 🐞 Fix ok button of the DatePicker becomes compacted when used with Space.Compact. #46769 @Fatpandac
  • 💄 Optimize Tree draggable node cursor style and collaspe icon hover style. #46974

  • 🐞 修复 Image 组件 preview.getContainer 值为 false 时,内联渲染不生效的问题。#47034 @FEyudong
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 静态方法配置 prefixCls 时,会改变所有子元素的 prefixCls 并导致动画丢失的问题。#47010
  • 🐞 修复 Space.Compact 与 DatePicker 一起使用导致 DatePicker 的确认按钮样式错误。#46769 @Fatpandac
  • 💄 优化 Tree 拖拽节点和展开收起按钮的鼠标 hover 样式。#46974

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