npm antd 5.13.0

latest releases: 5.19.1, 5.19.0, 5.18.3...
5 months ago
  • 🔥 Form support variant to control components variant inside. #46573
  • 🆕 QRCode support status adds a new scanned option. #46704
  • 🆕 Table support hidden to set hidden columns. #46957 @madocto
  • 🆕 Select support the maxCount, which is used to set the maximum selectable value. #46667
  • 🆕 Mentions support allowClear for setting the clearing function. #46396 @yociduo
  • 🆕 ColorPicker support displaying cleared status. #45993
  • 🆕 Drawer adds styles.wrapper and discards the contentWrapperStyle drawerStyle maskStyle attributes, and simplifies the dom structure. #46858
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour support disabledInteraction, which is used to disable the interactive behavior of the highlighted area. #46304
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue where modifying pointAtCenter under the arrow attribute of the Tour component does not take effect. #46301
  • Tabs
    • 🆕 Tabs support the indicator: { align: xxx } attribute, which is used to set the alignment of the Tabs indicator bar. #46786
    • 🛠 Tabs deprecated the indicatorSize attribute and replaced it with indicator: { size: xxx }. #46786
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider adds ConfigProvider.config to support holderRender for message modal notification static method setting Provider. #46596
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support the indicator: { align: xxx } attribute, which is used to set the alignment of the Tabs indicator bar. #46786
    • 🛠 ConfigProvider deprecated the Tabs indicatorSize attribute and replaced it with indicator: { size: xxx }. #46786
  • 🐞 Fix the problem of Segmented content being obscured in hover and active. #46925 @madocto
  • 🐞 Fixed the problem that the customized font size of Checkbox does not take effect under Form. #46904
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the Radio component configuration title did not take effect. #46809
  • 🐞 Fixed Input hover style in css var mode. #46946
  • 💄 Fixed the problem of abnormal display of Dropdown style under multi-level menu. #46888
  • 🛠 Refactor the popup panel logic of the ColorPicker component to avoid style conflicts when customizing using panelRender. #46327
  • TypeScript
    • 🆕 MISC: Export GetProp GetProp GetRef tool methods to facilitate developers to obtain unexported type definitions. #46923
    • 🆕 Checkbox.Group now supports generic configurable options.value. #46423 @daledelv
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Button support the contentLineHeight series of tokens. #46936
    • 🆕 Input support inputFontSize token. #46875
    • 🆕 Menu support darkPopupBg token. #46618
    • 🆕 Segmented support trackPadding and trackBg token. #46674
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that paddingBlock does not take effect after customizing contentFontSize token in Button component. #46901
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the InputNumber component cannot customize the padding token. #46878
  • 🌐 Localization

  • 🔥 Form 组件新增 variant 属性用于设置内部组件形态变体。#46573
  • 🆕 QRCode 组件 status 新增已扫描选项。#46704
  • 🆕 Table 组件新增 hidden 属性可设置隐藏列。#46957 @madocto
  • 🆕 Select 组件新增支持 maxCount 属性,用于设置最大可选。#46667
  • 🆕 Mentions 组件新增 allowClear 属性,用于设置清除功能。#46396 @yociduo
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 新增支持显示清空状态。#45993
  • 🆕 Drawer 组件新增 styles.wrapper 并废弃 contentWrapperStyle drawerStyle maskStyle 属性,并简化 dom 结构。#46858
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour 新增 disabledInteraction 属性,用于禁用高亮区域的交互行为。#46304
    • 🐞 修复 Tour 组件在 arrow 属性下修改 pointAtCenter 不生效的问题。#46301
  • Tabs
    • 🆕 Tabs 组件支持 indicator: { align: xxx } 属性,用于设置 Tabs 指示条对齐方式。#46786
    • 🛠 Tabs 组件废弃 indicatorSize 属性,改为 indicator: { size: xxx } 代替。#46786
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件新增 ConfigProvider.config 支持 holderRender,用于 message modal notification 静态方法设置 Provider#46596
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件支持 indicator: { align: xxx } 属性,用于设置 Tabs 指示条对齐方式。#46786
    • 🛠 ConfigProvider 组件废弃 Tabs 组件的 indicatorSize 属性,改为 indicator: { size: xxx } 代替。#46786
  • 🐞 修复 Segmented 在 hoveractive 内容被遮挡的问题。#46925 @madocto
  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 定制字体大小在 Form 下不生效的问题。#46904
  • 🐞 修复 Radio 组件配置 title 未生效的问题。#46809
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件在 css 变量模式下的悬浮态样式问题。#46946
  • 💄 修复 Dropdown 在多级菜单下样式显示异常的问题。#46888
  • 🛠 重构 ColorPicker 组件弹出面板逻辑,避免使用 panelRender 自定义时样式冲突的问题。#46327
  • TypeScript
    • 🆕 MISC: 导出 GetProp GetProp GetRef 工具方法,便于开发者获取未导出的类型定义。#46923
    • 🆕 Checkbox.Group 新增支持范型可配置 options.value#46423 @daledelv
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Button 组件新增支持 contentLineHeight 系列 token。#46936
    • 🆕 Input 组件新增支持 inputFontSize token。#46875
    • 🆕 Menu 组件新增支持 darkPopupBg token。#46618
    • 🆕 Segmented 组件新增 trackPaddingtrackBg token。#46674
    • 🐞 修复 Button 组件定制 contentFontSize token 后 paddingBlock 不生效的问题。#46901
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件无法定制 padding token 的问题。#46878
  • 🌐 国际化

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