npm antd 5.1.1

latest releases: 5.21.2, 5.21.1, 5.21.0...
21 months ago
  • 📦 Remove IE and other legacy browsers from browserslist to reduce bundle size.#38779
  • ⚡️ Improve Transfer performance when selecting and moving nodes with large data.#39465 @wqs576222103
  • 🐞 Fix wrong font-family of components. #39806
  • 🐞 Fix Drawer default props not working when placement open width are undefined. #39782
  • 🐞 Fix Menu icon animation when collapse it. #39800 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 Fix Image preview operation bar is covered during the animation. #39788 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 Fix List crash when pagination.pageSize is undefined. #39681 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix Space align="baseline" not working. #39748 @candy4290
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix Table expandable row header has no top left border radius. #39781 @chunsch
    • 🐞 Fix Table header radius missing when has fixed header and columns. #39723
    • 🐞 Fix Table missing border-bottom in merged cell and unexpected border color if overlapping。. #39729
    • ⌨️ Improve Table a11y by appling aria-props to table element. #39700
    • ⌨️ Reset aria-label in Table column. #39738 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 Adds transition animation for Table border. #39713 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 Fix Tabs add button color invisible in dark mode. #39724
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the height of the title bar is not enough when Card only has extra. #39646 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 Fix justify and align properties are not reactive in Row. #39704 @candy4290
  • 🐞 Fix warning in App about two children with the same key. #39695 @Kamahl19, #39701 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Image preview interactive optimization. #39812 @JarvisArt
  • 💄 Fix Table filter dropdown wrong active background and dropdown shadow style. #39805
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Fix missing type defination for Design Token. #39754

  • 📦 在构建流程中去掉对 IE 等旧版本浏览器的支持以减少包体积。#38779
  • ⚡️ 提升 Transfer 在大数据量下勾选和移动节点时的性能。#39465 @wqs576222103
  • 🐞 修复组件字体错误问题。#39806
  • 🐞 修复 Drawer placement open width 等参数为 undefined 时默认值不生效的问题。#39782
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 切换时图标动画效果不流畅的问题。#39800 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 修复 Image 预览操作条在动态过程中会被高 zIndex 的元素覆盖。#39788 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 修复 List 组件分页器错误参数导致报错问题。#39681 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 Space align="baseline" 不生效的问题。#39748 @candy4290
  • Table
    • 🐞 修复 Table 可扩展行标题没有左上边框半径的问题。#39781 @chunsch
    • 🐞 修复 Table 列头的圆角丢失问题。#39723
    • 🐞 修复 Table 组件合并单元格后底部边框消失和边框重叠时颜色变深的问题。#39729
    • ⌨️ 修正 Table aria-* 属性到 table 元素上以支持更好的可访问性。#39700
    • ⌨️ 重置 Table 列的 aria-label 属性值。#39738 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 为 Table 边框添加过渡动画使其 hover 效果更顺滑。#39713 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 添加按钮在暗色模式下不可见的问题。#39724
  • 🐞 修复 Card 只有 extra 时标题栏高度不足的问题。#39646 @JarvisArt
  • 🐞 修复 Row 组件 justifyalign 属性,动态改变不生效的问题。#39704 @candy4290
  • 🐞 修复 App 中 children 使用相同 key 的警告。#39695 @Kamahl19#39701 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Image 组件预览交互优化. #39812 @JarvisArt
  • 💄 修复 Table 筛选菜单选中背景色和菜单阴影样式。#39805
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修复部分 Design Token 缺少类型提示的问题。#39754

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