npm antd 4.20.0

latest releases: 5.19.0, 5.18.3, 5.18.2...
2 years ago
  • 🔥 React 18 Support
    • 🐞 Fix Form with React 18 StrictMode missing error message update. #35096
    • 🐞 Fix Notification and Message throw createRoot warning in React 18. #35030
    • 🐞 Fix BackTop not working in StrictMode. #34858 @tmkx
  • 🔥 New component Segmented. #34319
    • 🛠 Since v4.20.0 Segemented props onChange callback function parameter adjusted from ChangeEvent (v4.20.0-alpha.0, v4.20.0-alpha.1) to value to simplify API. #35187 @vagusX
  • Form
    • 🔥 Form support useWatch to get current field value. #35036
    • 🆕 Form support useFormInstance to get current context form instance. #35039
    • 💄 Fix Form broken layout when set labelCol={{ sm: 24 }} and wrapperCol={{ sm: 24 }}. #34907
  • 🛎 Menu support items for perf prepare, and children will be removed in next major version. #34559
  • 🆕 Image PreviewGroup Support top progress rendering. #35038 @zpc7
  • Upload
    • 🆕 Upload support crossOrigin for images in picture-card mode. #34981 @dragmove
    • 🐞 Fix Upload prefixCls don't work on file list. #34944 @swchen
    • 💄 Improve Upload action styles. #35052
  • Table
    • 🆕 Support reset to the default value rather than empty, when click reset in Table column filter. #34355 @heiyu4585
    • 💄 Fix Table head background and selection column width styling issues when size="small". #34963
    • 🇩🇪 Improve German translations for Table. #34836 @pfedan
    • ⚡️ Optimize Table filter calculation perfromance. #35064 @nieyuyao
    • 💄 Improve small and middle size Table selection dropdown margin style. #35173
  • Tree
    • 🆕 Tree switcherIcon prop support render-prop. #34470 @zqran
    • 🆕 Tree support rootClassName and rootStyle. #34578
  • Breadcrumb
    • 🐞 Fix Breadcrumb deprecated warning of Dropdown placement. #35162
    • 🐞 Fix Breadcrumb show the number when is unexpected. #35123
    • ⌨️ Make structure of Breadcrumb be accessible. #34082 @VladimirOtroshchenko
  • Anchor
    • 🆕 Anchor getCurrentAnchor has active link as argument. #34799
    • 🛠 Refactor Anchor to Function component. #35073 @LongHaoo
  • Cascader
    • 🆕 Cascader supports showCheckedStrategy for value display strategy. #34568 @heiyu4585
    • 🐞 Fix Cascader search result do not fill the entrie panel. #35019 @boomler
  • 🆕 Click event object can be accessed in onCopy function of Typography. #34655 @yzwxk
  • 🆕 Grid supports justify="space-evenly". #34606 @gp5251
  • 🆕 Support rootClassName property for Dialog and Image. #34574 @heiyu4585
  • 🐞 Fix error Nothing was returned from render when Skeleton use falsy loading props without children. #34872 @AlbertAZ1992
  • 💄 Optimize Switch disabled color to fit colorful background. #35103
  • 💄 Remove Tabs overflow: hidden style to fix Select and sticky Table display problem inside Tabs. #35195
  • 💄 Fix Steps style issues in RTL mode. #35088 @zpc7
  • 💄 Fix animation for standalone Badge in RTL mode. #34899 @hmz22
  • 🛠 Optimize Modal id generate logic to improve accessibility experience. #35072
  • 🐞 Fix Select and AutoComplete scroll abnormal behavior when navigate via keyboard.。#35025
  • Spin
    • 💄 Fix Spin animation style being abnormally parsed in Parcel. #35005
    • ⌨️ Spin add aria attribute to improve accessibility. #34408 @heiyu4585
  • ⌨️ Dropdown support select option by keyboard. #34738
  • 🐞 Fix Title, Text, Paragraph components cannot get ref bug. #34847 @MQuy
  • Input
    • 💄 Input.Group prevent components from getting style from Form.Item. #34764
    • 💄 Adjust TextArea style in Form. #34714
  • ⌨️ Fix aria-checked attribute for Checkbox, to avoid screen reader getting an incorrect status. #34862 @SpaNb4
  • Less
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 支持 React 18 以及严格模式。
    • 🐞 修复 Form 在 React 18 的 StrictMode 下,错误信息无法更新的问题。#35096
    • 🐞 修复 Notification 和 Message 在 React 18 下抛出使用 createRoot 的警告信息。#35030
    • 🐞 修复 BackTop 组件在严格模式下不能正常工作的问题。#34858 @tmkx
  • 🔥 新增 Segmented 分段控制器组件。#34319
    • 🛠 4.20.0 正式版后,Segemented 的 onChange 回调函数的参数从 ChangeEvent 调整为 value。如果你使用了 4.20.0-alpha.0 4.20.0-alpha.1,请注意这个变化。#35187 @vagusX
  • Form
    • 🔥 Form 添加 useWatch 支持获取当前字段值。#35036
    • 🆕 Form 支持 useFormInstance 以获取当前上下文中的 Form 实例。#35039
    • 💄 修复 Form labelCol={{ sm: 24 }}wrapperCol={{ sm: 24 }} 时样式错乱的问题。#34907
  • 🛎 Menu 添加 items 数据化菜单项支持以为将来性能提升做准备,并且 children 将会在下个大版本中废弃。#34559
  • 🆕 Image PreviewGroup 支持顶部进度渲染。#35038 @zpc7
  • Upload
    • 🆕 Upload picture-card 模式支持配置图片的 crossOrigin 属性。#34981 @dragmove
    • 🐞 修复 Upload prefixCls 对列表不生效的问题。#34944 @swchen
    • 💄 优化 Upload 操作按钮的样式细节。#35052
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table 列筛选条件重置时,支持重置为默认值而非空值。#34355 @heiyu4585
    • 💄 修复 Table size="small" 时列头背景色和选择列宽度的样式问题。#34963
    • 🇩🇪 补全 Table 的德语国际化文案。#34836 @pfedan
    • ⚡️ 优化 Table 过滤列表的计算性能。#35064 @nieyuyao
    • 💄 优化 Table size="small"size="middle" 时选择下拉菜单的边距样式。#35173
  • Tree
    • 🆕 Tree 组件的 switcherIcon 属性支持 render-prop。#34470 @zqran
    • 🆕 Tree 支持 rootClassName and rootStyle#34578
  • Breadcrumb
    • 🐞 修复 Breadcrumb 抛出 placement 废弃警告的问题。#35162
    • 🐞 修复 Breadcrumb 展示非预期的数字符号的样式问题。#35123
    • ⌨️ 为 Breadcrumb 层次结构增加可访问性支持。#34082 @VladimirOtroshchenko
  • Anchor
    • 🆕 Anchor getCurrentAnchor 参数中返回默认高亮项。#34799
    • 🛠 重构 Anchor 为函数组件。#35073 @LongHaoo
  • Cascader
    • 🆕 Cascader 添加 showCheckedStrategy 用于配置回填方式。#34568 @heiyu4585
    • 🐞 修复 Cascader 的搜索结果未占满整个面板的问题。#35019 @boomler
  • 🆕 Typography 的 onCopy 方法支持获取点击事件对象。#34655 @yzwxk
  • 🆕 Grid 支持 justify="space-evenly"#34606 @gp5251
  • 🆕 Dialog 及 Image 支持 rootClassName 属性。#34574 @heiyu4585
  • 🐞 修复 Skeleton 在没有 children 并设置 loading 为 false 时提示 Nothing was returned from render 的问题。#34872 @AlbertAZ1992
  • 💄 优化 Switch 禁用色以更好适应非白底背景。#35103
  • 💄 移除 Tabs overflow: hidden 样式以修复 Select 和 sticky Table 在 Tabs 中的展现问题。#35195
  • 💄 修正 Steps 在 RTL 模式下样式问题。#35088 @zpc7
  • 💄 修复 Badge 在 RTL 模式下、独立使用时的动画效果。#34899 @hmz22
  • 🛠 优化 Modal id 生成逻辑,以优化无障碍体验。#35072
  • 🐞 修复 Select 和 AutoComplete 使用键盘向下滚动时行为异常的问题。#35025
  • Spin
    • 💄 修复 Spin 动画样式在 Parcel 解析异常的问题。#35005
    • ⌨️ Spin 添加 aria 属性以提升可访问性。#34408 @heiyu4585
  • ⌨️ Dropdown 支持方向键切换选项。#34738
  • 🐞 修复 Title、Text、Paragraph 组件不支持 ref 的问题。#34847 @MQuy
  • Input
    • 💄 Input.Group 对子组件屏蔽 Form.Item 的样式。#34764
    • 💄 调整 Form 下 TextArea 的样式。#34714 @MadCcc
  • ⌨️ 修复 Checkbox 缺少 aria-checked 属性导致屏幕阅读器识别错误的问题。#34862 @SpaNb4
  • Less
  • TypeScript

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