npm antd 4.17.0

latest releases: 5.21.0, 5.20.6, 5.20.5...
2 years ago
  • Dynamic Theme Theme
    • 🔥 ConfigProvider support dynamic modify theme color. view detail. #31496
    • 🚧 Move part mixins related less file to themes instead since it requires theme variable. We do not recommend use internal file but please note this if you already use it. #32763
    • 🐞 Fix antd.variable.less compile mix with default theme variable. #32279
    • 🐞 Fix antd compile file miss /style/default.css. #32116
    • 🐞 Fix less compile throw the Maximum call stack size exceeded error. #32063
  • Input
    • 🐞 Fix Input.Search border-left-radius is not 0 when configured with allowClear and addonBefore. #32812 @KAROTT7
    • 🐞 Fix Input set to disabled still keep focused style. #32739
    • 🐞 Avoid Input placeholder can be selected on Chrome. #32639 @cw1997
    • 🐞 Input.TextArea maxLength is now passing to html textarea element. #32448 @MOHAMMADArsalan
    • 🐞 Fix Input cannot clear content when focus it. #31931 @adaex
  • Cascader
    • 🔥 Cascader support multiple mode. #31936
    • 🆕 Cascader add title prop with content by default. #31237 @yingpengsha
    • 🐞 Fix Cascader missing popupClassName and popupPlacement props. #32143
  • Select
    • 🆕 Select support placement. #32143
    • 🆕 Select support fieldNames. #31925
    • 🆕 Select support ctrl + n/p on mac. #650
    • 🆕 Select add title for tag in multiple mode. #637
    • 💄 Optimize the text weight in Select. #32486 @liuxulian
  • TreeSelect
    • 🆕 TreeSelect support placement. #32143
    • 🆕 TreeSelect support fieldNames. #31925
  • Tree
    • 🆕 Tree draggable add handler for tips. #32306
    • 🆕 Tree support fieldNames to customize node field name. #31395
    • 🆕 Tree support onScroll in virtual scroll. #474
    • 🐞 Fix Tree icon align bug when showLine is enable. #32822
    • 🐞 Fix Tree.DirectoryTree throws TypeError:nativeEvent is undefined. #32551 @D-to-the-K
    • 🐞 Fix Tree drop outside not clear indicator. #478
    • 💄 Fix 1px position deviation of the Tree connection line when zooming in. #32075 @btea
  • PageHeader
    • 🐞 Fix PageHeader with false 'breadcrumbrender' still shows dom. #32738
  • Form
    • 🔥 Form rule support warningOnly to avoid form submit. #30829
    • 🆕 Form.ErrorList support customize className. #30887
    • 🐞 Fix Form breaks the line when Select content too long. #32778
    • 💄 Fix Mentions error style in Form. #32385
  • Drawer
    • 🆕 Tweak Drawer close icon position and default width, add extra and size props. #30908
    • 🆕 Drawer support autoFocus prop. #181
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that the bottom Drawer component has no animation. #32761 @solitia7125
    • 💄 Optimize Drawer open animation. #32342
  • Steps
    • 🐞 Fix Steps progressDot style when it is vertical. #32742
    • 🐞 Fix Steps default responsive style not working. #31965 @tangjinzhou
  • Typography
    • 🐞 Fix Typography ellipsis with rows: 1 doesn't wrap after expanding. #32735 @hydraZty
    • 🐞 Fix the text overflow when page zoomed in Typography with prop ellipsis. #32496 @hydraZty
    • 🐞 Fix Typography ellipsis calculation bug when browser zoomed in. #32447
  • Table
    • 🔥 Table adds column.filterMode to support filter in a tree, which could set to 'menu' | 'tree'. #31809
    • 🔥 Table adds column.filterSearch for enable search function in filter dropdown. #31809
    • 🆕 Table hover rowSpan row will highlight all the rows now. #32557
    • 🐞 Fix Table selection column arrow get covered by fixed column. #32276 @g7i
    • 🐞 Fix Table loading jumpy style when set sticky. #32703 @miloudbelaabed
    • 🐞 Fix Table don't support ref. #32136 @JounQin
    • 🐞 Table remove sticky style with fixed column in IE11 to avoid layout issue. #32177
    • 💄 Optimize Table sorter icon margin problem. #32172
    • 🐞 Fix Table.SELECT_XXX ignore record disabled status by getCheckboxProps. #32027
    • 💄 Table filter reset button won't close dropdown now. #31809
    • 🐞 Revert Table sticky z-index style back to calc instead of less calculation to fix auto style failure. #31874 @bconnorwhite
    • 🐞 Fix Table scroll bar display issue when data dynamic changed. #647 @lanten
    • 🐞 Fix pagination.className not working in Table. #32131 @JounQin
  • Transfer
    • 🆕 Transfer support custom left and right footer. #31108
    • 🆕 Transfer supports locale.notFoundContent with array. #31088 @wwyx778
    • 🐞 Fix Transfer throws MenuItem should not leave undefined key warning when opening selection dropdown menu. #32578
    • 💄 Tweak Transfer filter search input icon position. #31809
  • Collapse
    • 🐞 Fix Collapse style issue when expandIconPosition="right". #32648
    • 💄 Adjust Collapse header style to make title overflow wrap not take arrow position. #32492
  • Button
    • 🐞 Fix Button with ghost hover style. #32289
    • 🐞 Fix Button with loading can not trigger Tooltip. #32158
    • 🐞 Fix Button align issue with icon and href. #32373
  • Pagination
  • Upload
    • 🐞 Fix Upload broken loading style when listStyle="picture". #32664
    • 🐞 Fix Upload icon error background. #32051
  • InputNumber
    • 🔥 InputNumber support addonBefore and addonAfter. #31432 @Austaras
    • 🆕 InputNumber now supports controls for displaying +- buttons or not. #31548
    • 🆕 InputNumber formatter support additional param to check if current input is user typing. #31030
    • 🐞 Fix InputNumber handler arrow not align center. #32409
    • 💄 Show InputNumber handler when focus it. #31911
  • DatePicker
    • 🆕 DatePicker and RangePicker now support nextIcon, prevIcon, superNextIcon and superPrevIcon. #31703 @Oreoz
    • 🐞 Fix defaultPickerValue not working in RangePicker. #32107 @thommesZip
  • Notification
    • 🆕 Notification support maxCount to limit count. #31807 @binyellow
    • 🐞 Fix closeIcon not working bug when Notification is called multiple times. #32359 @KAROTT7
  • 🆕 Menu.Divider support dashed style. #31379 @Map1en
  • 🆕 Skeleton.Button add block prop. #30902 @Jehu
  • 🆕 Popconfirm onConfirm supports Promise. #30871 @wendellhu95
  • 🐞 Fix Card tabs style when set tabPosition: 'left'. #32695
  • 🐞 Fix Radio cannot click due to custom type property. #32463
  • 🐞 Fix Ok abbreviation to be OK. #32259 @chj-damon
  • 🐞 Fix Grid Col flex some time exceed its width when content too long. #32160
  • 🐞 Fix Switch Loading icon in an incorrect position. #32216
  • 🐞 Fix return element of getPopupContainer in ConfigProvider is not used as a container when calling message.useMessage. #31939 @DaoxingHuang
  • 💄 Improve small size Image by ellipsising preview text. #29900 @drizzlesconsin
  • 🐞 Fix Alert extra dom node when message is undefined. #32057
  • 🐞 Fix anchor targetOffset not work when contain spaces. #31952 @adaex
  • 💄 Add @checkbox-border-radius less variable. #31360 @Gherciu
  • 🐞 Avatar add crossOrigin property to resolve cross origin issue. #31273 @Map1en
  • RTL
    • 💄 Optimized Alert close icon display in RTL mode. #32286
    • 💄 Optimized Table header action display in RTL mode. #32283
    • 💄 Optimized Collapse arrow icon display in RTL mode. #32282
    • 💄 Optimized Badge count display and animation in RTL mode. #32281
    • 💄 Optimized InputNumber handler border style in RTL mode. #32272
    • 💄 Optimized Dropdown icon display in RTL mode. #32271
    • 🐞 Fix Transfer list direction value in RTL mode. #31903
  • 🌐 Localization
  • TypeScript

  • 动态主题
    • 🔥 ConfigProvider 支持动态配置主题色,详细文档。#31496
    • 🚧 移动部分 mixins less 文件到 themes 文件下,因为它们依赖于主题相关变量。我们不推荐直接引用底层 less 文件,但是如果你使用了请注意这部分变更。#32763
    • 🐞 修复 antd.variable.less 编译时会混入默认主题配置的问题。#32279
    • 🐞 修复 antd 编译产物缺失 /style/default.css 文件的问题。#32116
    • 🐞 修复 less 编译 会抛出 Maximum call stack size exceeded error 的问题。#32063
  • Input
    • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 组件在有 allowClearaddonBefore 属性时,输入框 border-left-radius 值错误的问题。#32812 @KAROTT7
    • 🐞 修复 Input 设置 disabled 时仍然保留聚焦样式的问题。#32739
    • 🐞 修复 Input placeholder 在 Chrome 上能被选择的问题。#32639 @cw1997
    • 🐞 Input.TextArea maxLength 属性现在会传给原生 textarea 标签。#32448 @MOHAMMADArsalan
    • 🐞 修复 Input 聚焦时点击清除图标无效的问题。#31931 @adaex
  • Cascader
    • 🔥 Cascader 支持 multiple 模式。#31936
    • 🆕 在 Cascader 组件中,默认给选中值的文本添加 title 属性。#31237 @yingpengsha
    • 🐞 修复 Cascader 中 popupClassNamepopupPlacement 属性无效问题。#32143
  • Select
    • 🆕 Select 支持 placement 属性。#32143
    • 🆕 Select 支持 fieldNames 自定义字段名称。#31925
    • 🆕 Select 支持 mac 的 ctrl + n/p 快捷键组合。#650
    • 🆕 Select 在 multiple 模式下,tag 添加 title 属性。#637
    • 💄 优化 Select 中选项文字粗细。#32486 @liuxulian
  • TreeSelect
    • 🆕 TreeSelect 支持 placement 属性。#32143
    • 🆕 TreeSelect 支持 fieldNames 自定义字段名称。#31925
  • Tree
    • 🆕 Tree draggable 添加拖拽图标以提示。#32306
    • 🆕 Tree 添加 fieldNames 属性以支持自定义节点字段名称。#31395
    • 🆕 Tree 虚拟滚动也支持 onScroll 事件。#474
    • 🐞 修复 Tree 一个图标文字对齐问题。#32822
    • 🐞 修复 Tree.DirectoryTree 键盘操作时抛出 TypeError:nativeEvent is undefined#32551 @D-to-the-K
    • 🐞 修复 Tree 拖拽到外部时没有清空指示器的问题。#478
    • 💄 修复 Tree 连接线在浏览器放大时一像素位置偏差的问题。#32075 @btea
  • PageHeader
    • 🐞 修复 PageHeader breadcrumbRender 返回false,仍然展示 dom 的问题。#32738
  • Form
    • 🔥 Form rule 支持 warningOnly 实现非阻塞校验。#30829
    • 🆕 Form.ErrorList 支持自定义 className 属性。#30887
    • 🐞 修复 Form 下 Select 内容太长导致布局换行的问题。#32778
    • 💄 修复 Mentions 在 Form 下错误样式丢失的问题。#32385
  • Drawer
    • 🆕 调整 Drawer 关闭按钮位置和默认宽度,新增 extra 操作区域和 size 大小属性。#30908
    • 🆕 Drawer 支持 autoFocus 属性。#181
    • 🐞 修复底部 Drawer 组件没有动画的问题。#32761 @solitia7125
    • 💄 优化 Drawer 弹出动画。#32342
  • Steps
    • 🐞 修复 Steps 垂直 progressDot 的对齐样式问题。#32742
    • 🐞 修复 Steps 默认响应式不生效的问题。#31965 @tangjinzhou
  • Typography
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 在单行折叠时展开后不换行。#32735 @hydraZty
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 设置 ellipsis 后在缩放下的文本溢出。#32496 @hydraZty
    • 🐞 修复 Typography ellipsis 在 Chrome 下屏幕缩小时溢出的问题。#32447
  • Table
    • 🔥 Table 新增 column.filterMode 以支持配置树形筛选菜单,可选值为 'menu' | 'tree'#31809
    • 🔥 Table 新增 column.filterSearch 以支持开启筛选列搜索功能。#31809
    • 🆕 Table 鼠标悬浮 rowSpan 行时会高亮所有相关行。#32557
    • 🐞 修复 Table 选择框下拉箭头被固定列遮挡的问题。#32276 @g7i
    • 🐞 修复 Table 设置 sticky 的时候 loading 样式跳动的问题。#32703 @miloudbelaabed
    • 🐞 修复 Table 不支持 ref 的问题。#32136 @JounQin
    • 🐞 Table 移除 IE11 下 sticky 的相关样式以解决布局问题。#32177
    • 🐞 优化 Table 排序图标边距问题。#32172
    • 🐞 修复 Table 中 pagination.className 不生效的问题。#32131 @JounQin
    • 🐞 修复 Table.SELECT_XXX 会无视 getCheckboxProps 提供的 disabled 状态问题。#32027
    • 💄 Table 筛选菜单重置按钮现在不再关闭菜单和生效。#31809
    • 🐞 回滚 Table sticky z-index 样式的 less 计算到 calc,以防止 auto 样式计算错误问题。#31874 @bconnorwhite
    • 🐞 修复 Table 在数据变更后滚动条展示问题。#647 @lanten
  • Transfer
    • 🆕 Transfer 新增自定义左右 footer#31108
    • 🆕 Transfer 支持 locale.notFoundContent 传入数组。#31088 @wwyx778
    • 🐞 修复 Transfer 打开选择菜单时抛出 MenuItem should not leave undefined key 警告。#32578
    • 💄 调整 Transfer 筛选搜索框图标位置,使其和表格筛选搜索框统一。#31809
  • Collapse
    • 🐞 修复 Collapse 设置 expandIconPositionright 后的样式问题。#32648
    • 💄 调整 Collapse 标题栏样式使标题折行时不侵占箭头空间。#32492
  • Button
    • 🐞 修复 Button 有 iconhref 时的对齐问题。#32373
    • 🐞 修复 Button ghost 鼠标悬停样式。#32289
    • 🐞 修复 Button 配置 loading 时,无法触发 Tooltip 的问题。#32158
  • Pagination
  • Upload
    • 🐞 修复 Upload listStyle="picture" 下加载中样式错位的问题。#32664
    • 🐞 修复 Upload 错误背景颜色。#32051
  • InputNumber
    • 🔥 InputNumber 增加 addonBeforeaddonAfter 属性支持。#31432 @Austaras
    • 🆕 InputNumber 新增 controls 属性用于控制是否显示加减按钮。#31548
    • 🆕 InputNumber formatter 支持额外参数用以检测当前变更是否为用户输入。#31030
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 操作杆箭头未居中对齐的问题。#32409
    • 💄 聚焦 InputNumber 时将始终显示加减操作区。#31911
  • DatePicker
    • 🆕 DatePickerRangePicker 现在支持 nextIconprevIconsuperNextIconsuperPrevIcon#31703 @Oreoz
    • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 的 defaultPickerValue 不生效的问题。#32107 @thommesZip
  • Notification
    • 🆕 Notification 支持 maxCount 属性以限制最大显示数。#31807 @binyellow
    • 🐞 修复多次调用 Notification 时 closeIcon 配置无法覆盖的问题。#32359 @KAROTT7
  • 🆕 增加 Menu.Divider 的 dashed 属性。#31379 @Map1en
  • 🆕 Skeleton.Button 添加 block 属性。#30902 @Jehu
  • 🆕 Popconfirm 组件的 onConfirm 允许返回一个 Promise。#30871 @wendellhu95
  • 🐞 修复 Card 设置 tabs 后当 tabPosition: 'left' 时的样式问题。#32695
  • 🐞 修复 Radio type 属性被覆盖导致无法点击的问题。#32463
  • 🐞 修复英文国际化文案 OkOK#32259 @chj-damon
  • 🐞 修复 Switch loading 按钮位置不正确的问题。#32216
  • 🐞 修复 Grid Col flex 在内容过长的时候缩放失效的问题。#32160
  • 🐞 修复调用 message.useMessage 时未使用 ConfigProvider 中的 getPopupContainer 返回元素作为容器的问题。#31939 @DaoxingHuang
  • 💄 优化 Image 在小尺寸下省略预览文本。#29900 @drizzlesconsin
  • 🐞 修复 Alert message 为空时 dom 节点还在的问题。#32057
  • 🐞 修复 Anchor 组件包含空格时 targetOffset 属性不生效的问题。#31952 @adaex
  • 💄 新增 Less 变量 @checkbox-border-radius#31360 @Gherciu
  • 🐞 Avatar 增加 crossOrigin 参数以解决跨域问题。#31273 @Map1en
  • RTL
    • 💄 优化 Alert 关闭按钮在 RTL 模式下的显示。#32286
    • 💄 优化 Table 表头操作按钮在 RTL 模式下显示。#32283
    • 💄 优化 Collapse 按钮在 RTL 模式下位置显示。#32282
    • 💄 优化 Badge 数字在 RTL 模式下显示和动画。#32281
    • 💄 优化 InputNumber 操作栏 RTL 模式下边框样式。#32272
    • 💄 优化 Dropdown RTL 模式下 icon 显示。#32271
    • 🐞 修复 Transfer 列表在 RTL 模式下 direction 取值。#31903
  • 🌐 国际化
  • TypeScript

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