npm ag-grid-react 30.0.5

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17 months ago

Release 30.0.5

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑8916 Bug When using cell data types, columns are incorrectly inferred as dateString if text partially contains a date
AG‑8914 Bug [Regression] Vertical scroll position is wrong after calling api.ensureNodeVisible
AG‑8894 Bug SSRM refresh inconsistently persists group state
AG‑8879 Bug [Regression] When scrolling Master Detail grid horizontally with the mousepad the main grid prevents scrolling
AG‑8875 Bug [Regression] When using row grouping with groupSelectsFiltered = true, indeterminate selection checkboxes cannot be unchecked
AG‑8857 Bug [Regression] When setting filter model and applying column state with pinned columns and animate rows, an error is thrown
AG‑8851 Bug [Regression] Calling setRowData with Immutable Data and FullWidthRow throws an error
AG‑8848 Bug [Regression] When updating a parent node with master detail, the detail grid is not refreshed the first time
AG‑8846 Task [Charts] Allow disabling collision avoidance on pie callout labels
AG‑8845 Bug [Charts] Scatter series labels appear bolder on series highlight
AG‑8843 Bug [Regression] When using server-side row model FULL, client-side sorting prevents range row selection
AG‑8836 Bug When long column header names are shown in the columns tool panel or column menu columns tab, they're clipped instead of truncated
AG‑8835 Bug [Regression] When setting a React state variable, any custom filters applied are reset
AG‑8831 Bug [Excel Export] - ProcessRowGroupCallback is not called for (Blank) groups
AG‑8830 Bug MouseMove fires angular change detection impacting profiling DX
AG‑8829 Bug [Regression] When working with non-string value columns, filterParams do not work if set inside defaultColDefs
AG‑8827 Task React Suspense ColumnModel Issue
AG‑8825 Bug Rename ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator to ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeparator
AG‑8823 Task [Types] Improve Support for Discriminated Union Types as TData
AG‑8819 Bug When using a set filter cell renderer without a refresh method, the renderer is not recreated on refresh
AG‑8816 Bug [Regression] SuppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen doesn't work with Column Menus
AG‑8813 Bug [Regression] When calling api.getColumnDefs API method, column groups aren't returned
AG‑8809 Bug Aligned Grids feature does not work with RTL
AG‑8801 Bug [Filtering] When using closeOnApply with accordion filter displays the column menu does not close
AG‑8797 Bug [Charts] Time-axis behaving inconsistently with non-London TZ
AG‑8788 Bug [Regression] When using React with full-width rows and setting new row data with the same row id for a full-width row that was previously used by a non-full-width row, flushSync exception is thrown
AG‑8786 Bug When enableRtl=true, floating filter popup cannot be resized horizontally or popup moves to incorrect place
AG‑8784 Bug [Regression] When using groupIncludeFooter or groupIncludeTotalFooter, for columns with aggFunc='count' the footer row cells display the row count, not the sum of aggregated values
AG‑8781 Bug [Regression] When applying column state before setting row data with cell data types, the column state is overwritten
AG‑8780 Bug [Regression] When using frameworks and importing modules on the master grid (instead of globally), no detail grids are shown
AG‑8772 Bug When setting a tabindex on the grid, not all components are respecting the property
AG‑8746 Bug When moving focus away from the aggregation function popup via keyboard, the popup remains open
AG‑8742 Bug [Charts] Repeated ticks with time-axis using a single Date value errors
AG‑8730 Bug DragAndDrop Ghost gets wrong position when ShadowDOM has offset
AG‑8693 Bug [Regression] domLayout='Auto' can no longer be used with SSRM even with small dataset
AG‑8545 Bug [Charts] BarSeries with time-axis using a single Date value errors
AG‑8527 Bug When using Safari and dragging a row or column to the top of of the page, content above the grid is highlighted
AG‑8518 Bug [Regression] When calling api.autoSizeColumns on a grid, this is much slower when there are other grids shown on page
AG‑8415 Bug [SSRM] Console error when synchronously applying column state with pinned column after setting filters
AG‑8357 Task [Bundle Size Reduction] Reduce license header being repeated in all generated files
AG‑8339 Bug [Charts] setting showInLegend=false on one series is affecting all series previous to it
AG‑8023 Task [Typing] Type the location property in callbacks
AG‑7933 Bug [Charts] Cannot specify per-series options for multiple bar/column/area series
AG‑7651 Task [Charts] Allow complex object for data and and datum keys to be property paths (xKey/yKey/etc)
AG‑7629 Bug [IRM] Excessive component initialisation and destroy
AG‑7375 Bug When using ReactUI, calling the setDataValue API method to update a cell value causes cell focus to be lost
AG‑7258 Bug When sticky group rows are used with pagination on non-first page, scrolling down causes group column cell values to disappear
AG‑6523 Bug When using a custom aggregation function, integrated charts line and area series can't be plotted for cells showing a complex aggregation object

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