npm ag-grid-react 29.1.0

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23 months ago

Release 29.1.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑8017 Task [React] Make gridOptions property columnTypes reactive
AG‑8007 Bug postProcessPopup gets overridden if popup changes its size asynchronously
AG‑7995 Bug Transactions cause focused cell to be lost when row is moved
AG‑7978 Bug [Regression] When suppressAnimationFrame=true, scrolling by dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb displays white areas in grid viewport
AG‑7971 Bug [VPRM] Setting a new datasource with row count 0 does not clear the viewport
AG‑7970 Bug [SSRM] setRowCount should work for SSRM when not using grouping.
AG‑7965 Task [Column Filters] Allow tree list filter to support complex objects in the tree data group field
AG‑7958 Bug Export RedrawRowsParams publicly
AG‑7955 Bug [Regression] When using a touch device, grid columns cannot be resized by touch
AG‑7952 Bug [Sparklines] Tooltip position is incorrect when enclosing viewport is scrolled
AG‑7946 Bug Context Menu with SubMenus leak references to configuration object
AG‑7944 Bug [Column Filter] When using multi-filter and applying filter model to a set filter with asynchronous values, floating filter input does not update
AG‑7942 Bug When sorting a grouped column, the auto column state does not correctly update
AG‑7938 Task [SSRM] Allow tracking changes for the existing grid rows in the backend dataset
AG‑7934 Bug [Regression] When using MacOS with Scrollbars displayed “When Scrolling”, horizontal scrollbar is still shown after calling api.sizeColumnsToFit method
AG‑7931 Bug [Filter Tool Panel] Changing column definitions via api.setColumnDefs method resets filter tool panel expansion state
AG‑7922 Bug agRichSelectCellEditor fuzzy search does not use displayed values if refData / formatValue is used
AG‑7919 Bug When entering an empty string in agLargeTextCellEditor, it incorrectly changes it to undefined
AG‑7917 Bug When null value passed in cellStyle, the grid breaks
AG‑7915 Task [Clipboard] Allow cutting cell values via keyboard shortcut CTRL+X and in context menu
AG‑7905 Bug [Charts] Changing chart type drops listeners
AG‑7903 Bug [Regression] When using a cellStyle with numeric values an exception is thrown
AG‑7893 Bug event.composedPath() is not equivalent to deprecated event.path on Chrome due to async handling
AG‑7885 Bug When expanding/collapsing a column group, the onCellFocused event fires unnecessarily
AG‑7878 Bug When setting Sass variables to "none", "false" or "true", theme fails to build
AG‑7872 Task [SSRM] Allow not requesting rows from the datasource when removing a column with an aggregation
AG‑7852 Bug [SSRM] Sorting group column in SSRM needlessly refreshes rows
AG‑7845 Bug [Regression] When using complex objects, the undo service and fill handle are converting values to strings instead of maintaining the complex objects
AG‑7844 Bug [Regression] headerHeight, pivotGroupHeaderHeight properties value is ignored, column header row always shown with default height
AG‑7836 Bug [SSRM] getServerSideGroupLevelState missing properties
AG‑7829 Bug [Regression] When typing in the Set Filter Mini Filter in Excel Mode, the Select All item name does not update
AG‑7821 Bug When using React and importing AG Grid with packages, pressing SHIFT+TAB key doesn't return focus to last grid cell from paging panel
AG‑7806 Bug [Column Filters] Filter in Filters Tool Panel is unusable when destroyed
AG‑7783 Task [Charts] Switch legend item tooltips to use HTML tooltips
AG‑7782 Bug When using master/detail and the master row group column has null value, expansion chevron is not displayed so detail cannot be viewed
AG‑7768 Bug [Cell Editing] When focusing an editable cell and pressing Delete key in readOnlyEdit mode, cellEditRequest event is not fired
AG‑7767 Bug [Regression] addIndex parameter in applyTransaction API method does not work when sorting is applied
AG‑7740 Bug [Regression] When pressing Tab when editing master grid with expanded detail, an uncaught TypeError is shown in console
AG‑7681 Bug [SSRM] When copying multiple rows, copied row order follows rowId rather than displayed order
AG‑7671 Bug When calling api.resetRowHeights method root node doesn't get reset
AG‑7667 Task [Layout & Styling] Allow grid row height to respond to changes in CSS variable values
AG‑7664 Task [Quick Filter] Add option to ignore cells in hidden columns when using quick filter
AG‑7648 Bug When hiding second pivot column after filtering grouped rows an exception is thrown and column header borders are misaligned
AG‑7549 Bug When calling getCellRendererInstances method, it doesn't return an instance for the detail row
AG‑7521 Task [Fill Handle] Allow firing onCellEditRequest event when readOnlyEdit=true and using paste or fill handle
AG‑7167 Task [Pivoting] Add API method to expand a specific path of pivot column levels
AG‑7151 Task [Pivoting] Add API methods to expand and collapse all pivot columns levels
AG‑7124 Task [Column Filter] Allow displaying date picker for Safari browser
AG‑7030 Task [Clipboard] Allow clipboard paste to only fire an event instead of updating data (so it can support readOnlyEdit mode)
AG‑7021 Task [Fill Handle] Allow Fill Handle and Copy Range Down to only fire cellEditRequest events instead of updating affected cell values (so it can support readOnlyEdit mode)
AG‑6834 Task [Charts] Allow forcing the use of user-provided chart axis tick count settings
AG‑6387 Bug When using the date filter with browserDatePicker=true on Safari, typing in the filter input produces a console exception
AG‑6050 Task [Undo/Redo] Add new API onUndoStart, onUndoEnd and onRedoStart, onRedoEnd events to fire before and after the undo/redo operation execution
AG‑5522 Bug When using Windows Excel-style filtering with multiple columns, updating a cell value reduces the column filter conditions
AG‑4958 Task [Column Filter] Provide a built-in generic way to filter group columns by selecting the group field
AG‑4406 Task [Column Filters] Add API to get the quick filter value to allow the use of custom component for quick filter
AG‑4309 Task [Row Grouping] Add API method to expand the entire node path to a child node
AG‑3859 Task [Row Selection] Allow HeaderCheckboxSelection to select all the rows shown on the current page after filter and sort
AG‑2571 Task [SSRM] Allow cell editing in group rows when using tree data SSRM

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