npm ag-grid-react 26.0.0

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3 years ago

Release 26.0.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑5625 Task Update and Improve Types on Angular Interfaces
AG‑5623 Task [Tool Panel] Remove unused old API showToolPanel
AG‑5610 Bug Add -grid to framework prefixes
AG‑5609 Task Add source to setColumnWidth api's
AG‑5607 Task Enhance Row Auto Height Support
AG‑5605 Task [Integrated Charts] Remove deprecated processChartOptions() grid option callback
AG‑5602 Task Make Column Hover and Opt In Feature
AG‑5598 Bug [Charts] When dynamically changing chart axes, they are not updated correctly
AG‑5596 Bug Vue 3 Integrated Charts Examples Broken on CI
AG‑5594 Task Allow component selectors return direct references
AG‑5593 Task Remove pinnedrowCellRenderer
AG‑5592 Bug Vue 3 Integrated Charts Examples Not Working
AG‑5591 Bug CI Docs Deployment - FW examples not working
AG‑5585 Bug When using master-detail, long tooltips are clipped by the detail grid viewport instead of being wrapped on multiple lines
AG‑5583 Bug [Typing] getRowNode gridApi method has incorrect return type null, and actual return type undefined which isn't documented
AG‑5582 Task [Row Grouping] Allow custom Cell Renderers to be used with Group Footer Rows
AG‑5580 Task [Status Bar] IStatusPanelComp does not have the getFrameworkComponentInstance or setVisible or isVisible properties
AG‑5579 Bug When pressing CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT ARROW key to navigate into a pinned column cell, a console warning message is output
AG‑5572 Bug React Examples Large Data Community Features Comment Toggle Incorrect for Community
AG‑5571 Bug When using a long value for a column menu item, column menu gets clipped for the right-most column
AG‑5570 Bug [Regression] When pivoting, auto-sizing the group column doesn't make it wide enough and cell values get truncated
AG‑5569 Bug Vue 3 Reactivity and Composition API Support
AG‑5567 Bug When using server-side row model with full store, opening the last master row doesn't display a detail-level grid
AG‑5563 Bug The 'defaultGroupSortComparator' grid option is incorrectly named, should be renamed to 'defaultGroupOrderComparator'
AG‑5560 Bug Chart tooltips can jitter in Chrome when mouse cursor is moved around
AG‑5558 Task Charts - Add getChartImageDataURL() to the GridAPI
AG‑5549 Bug When editing a cell, undoing a previous edit twice reverts the previously edited cell to the new value instead of the original one
AG‑5540 Bug [Regression] When scrolling the grid down, dragging a column header out of the grid doesn't remove it anymore
AG‑5538 Task Type onGridSizeChanged event callback
AG‑5535 Bug [Regression] When the context menu is displayed, calling ensureColumnVisible doesn't scroll the viewport
AG‑5524 Task [Row Grouping] Simplify configuration of Row Grouping Display Types
AG‑5521 Bug When calling resetColumnState, initialHide column property value not applied
AG‑5512 Bug When tapping a grid cell on a mobile device, cellMouseDown doesn't fire until the touch ends
AG‑5510 Bug When using aligned grids and scrolling horizontally using the mouse wheel, the viewport doesn't get scrolled
AG‑5505 Bug [Regression] When suppressing AG Grid context menu (suppressContextMenu=true) and suppressing browser context menu (preventDefaultOnContextMenu=true), right-clicking still shows browser context menu
AG‑5504 Bug [Regression] When using a column or group column chart, hiding a chart series, and updating chart data, hidden series becomes visible again
AG‑5502 Task Update peer dependencies for the chart with React 17
AG‑5499 Bug [Regression] When using pivoting with a column label and checking the columns tool panel visibility checkbox for a hidden column with enableValue=true, column doesn't get added to values list or displayed in grid
AG‑5496 Bug Charts - createCrossFilterChart() is missing from the grid interface docs
AG‑5492 Bug [Regression] When expanding and collapsing a master-row quickly, master-row indexes are not valid
AG‑5488 Bug [Angular] When using full-row editing with custom renderer for a column that's out of view, cell renderer above the column previously out of view displays multiple cell renderer instances
AG‑5487 Bug [Regression] When using pivoting and hiding a value column, it's still displayed
AG‑5486 Bug When cell content including special characters, exporting to Excel produces a corrupted Excel file
AG‑5475 Bug [Regression] When using Internet Explorer 11 and opening a agRichSelectCellEditor, pressing the ARROW keys doesn't move focus to the items in the list
AG‑5470 Bug [Regression][Angular] When opening the column menu or context menu, ngDoCheck called repeatedly
AG‑5469 Bug [Regression] When returning an object in the tooltipValueGetter, the object gets returned as a string instead - [object Object]
AG‑5468 Bug When using CellRendererSelector that returns agGroupCellRenderer, innerRenderer params are not passed
AG‑5467 Bug When editing a cell with a popup editor and pressing ESC key, the fill handle is no longer visible for the edited cell
AG‑5466 Bug When using removed property stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus (replaced by stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus), the console warning message isn't correct
AG‑5457 Bug [Regression] When using special characters for headerTooltip with enableBrowserTooltips=true, the tooltip displays an encoded version of the character
AG‑5453 Bug When using AG Grid Community, holding SHIFT key and double-clicking cells, you can open multiple cells for editing
AG‑5451 Bug [Regression] When exporting to Excel, styles are not applied to cells with null values
AG‑5449 Bug [Regression] When using infinite row model with 0 rows displayed, calling api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex calls getRows unnecessarily
AG‑5447 Bug [Regression] When calling JSON.stringify on an integrated chart model, an exception is thrown
AG‑5446 Bug [Regression] When using an AngularJS component within a custom cell renderer, the cell is blank
AG‑5445 Bug Correct react wrapper bug/typo with async changes
AG‑5443 Bug [Regression] When allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: true and dragging a column in the columns tool panel, it scrolls the grid viewport to move the column instead
AG‑5442 Bug When you have a cell range selected and call setColumnDefs, the selected range remains visible, but is empty when accessing it via API
AG‑5441 Bug Missing locale string for "Total" text in pivot column group total header
AG‑5440 Bug [Regression] [React] When using a React-based Cell Renderer Selector, cell renderer params is empty after data update
AG‑5439 Bug Missing locale string for average in status bar aggregation component
AG‑5424 Bug [Regression] When using tooltips on the rightmost column, the right border of both custom and standard tooltip is cut off
AG‑5422 Bug When a column header cell is focused and then refreshed via setColumnDefs(), focus is lost
AG‑5419 Bug [Regression] When using React components and setting autoHeight=true, row height doesn't increase and only fits a single line of text
AG‑5416 Bug [Regression] When using the fill handle to drag a number value using scientific (exponential) notation to populate more than one cell, the grid throws an exception
AG‑5415 Bug When exporting to an Excel file with multiple sheets with styles on one grid but not another, the exported file is corrupted
AG‑5413 Bug [Regression] When using specific ESLINT configs, the build fails with an error related to ag-grid-base-icons
AG‑5412 Task [Row Sorting] Allow setting sort directions for each group column separately
AG‑5410 Task [Layout & Styles] Update styles to no longer use deprecated API for division (use math.div() instead) to avoid console warnings when building
AG‑5409 Task [Chart] Update the Angular dependency of the ag-charts-package to the latest version of Angular
AG‑5407 Bug [Regression] When a column has rowGroupIndex set to null or an integer, the column gets grouped even if rowGroup is not true
AG‑5405 Bug When exporting a hyperlink to Excel using non-ASCII characters in the link name, the Excel file is corrupted
AG‑5389 Bug [Regression][Angular] When using addGlobalListener, events don't get handled
AG‑5387 Bug When grouping on multiple column and applying column state with a modified rowGroupIndex property the grid doesn't update
AG‑5351 Bug When using React v17 with a framework component and an onClick event on the grid container which contains event.stopPropagation(), the onCellClicked grid event isn't fired
AG‑5209 Bug When importing AgGridVue from the ag-grid-vue3 package - the loading overlay doesn't work
AG‑5146 Task [Typing] Export interface ComponentSelectorResult through @ag-grid-community/core
AG‑5122 Task [React] Improve the speed of React component rendering
AG‑4952 Bug Cjs files are self-contained units preventing LicenseManager from recognizing the license key
AG‑4880 Task [Charts] Add series marker labels for Bubble / Scatter charts
AG‑4775 Task Allow valueGetter to work in cells where groupHideOpenParent is used
AG‑4724 Bug [Regression] Row autoHeight doesn't work with cellRendererFramework and styled components
AG‑4541 Task [Chart] Add support for custom axis tick period
AG‑4485 Bug Row AutoHeight doesn't work with async components (disableStaticMarkup=true)
AG‑4377 Task [Typing] Export the GroupCellRendererParams interface
AG‑4028 Task [Column Filter] Allow set filter popup to be resized
AG‑3944 Task [Typing] Add missing types to grid interfaces
AG‑3634 Task [Charts] Add support for series marker labels in category series (line, column, stacked column, area, stacked area, etc)
AG‑3411 Task [Typings] Add specific missing events and params types (overlay params types, some events)
AG‑3406 Task [Columns Tool Panel] Allow user to resize/collapse the different areas (row groups, values, column labels) of the columns tool panel
AG‑3279 Task [Typing] Allow for stronger typing of main classes in ag-grid
AG‑2536 Bug [React] React innerRenderer places a div inside a span
AG‑2139 Task [Row Grouping] Add option to maintain group order when sorting on non-group columns
AG‑2060 Task [Typescript] Add typings for onFirstDataRendered event
AG‑1945 Task [Tool Panel] Allow setting Tool Panel width (current/min/max/initial)
AG‑1816 Task [Row Grouping] Allow sorting on non-grouped columns when the group column is sorted with a custom comparator
AG‑1153 Task [Row Grouping] Allow sort comparators defined on columns to also sort group columns

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