npm ag-grid-community 28.0.0

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23 months ago

Release 28.0.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6948 Task Remove @ag-grid-community/all-modules and @ag-grid-enterprise/all-modules
AG‑6915 Task [Row Sorting] Rename colDef.comparator parameter isInverted to isDescending
AG‑6903 Bug When using Windows-style overlay scrolling in Edge, the horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear when hovered and cannot be dragged
AG‑6900 Bug When enableRangeSelection=true the rangeSelectionChanged event is fired twice instead of once on mousedown
AG‑6898 Task [Charts] Add Legend Item click listener
AG‑6887 Task [Charts] Series highlight z-order improvements
AG‑6884 Bug [Regression] When setting groupHideOpenParents=true, collapsed group row cell values cannot be copied
AG‑6883 Bug When calling setColumnDefs with colDefs with a column that's locked on the left but isn't first in the array or locked to the right but isn't the last, the locked column isn't rendered on the correct side of the grid
AG‑6878 Bug [Regression] When using integrated line/area/scatter charts both x and y axis labels are clipped
AG‑6874 Task Improve the way Cell Class is handled to avoid React’s memory leak
AG‑6858 Task [SSRM] Simplify SSRM by removing Store concept
AG‑6857 Bug When dragging the fill handle in a pinned column, the fill area dashed border isn't shown in the border between the pinned and unpinned columns
AG‑6856 Bug When focusing agNumberColumnFilter, entering a number and turning the mouse wheel increases/decreases the value
AG‑6852 Task [Chart] Allow setting maxWidth for chart legend items
AG‑6848 Task [SSRM] Allow Server-Side Sorting & Filtering when using server-side row model without Infinite Scroll
AG‑6836 Bug [Regression] When using non-QWERTY keyboards (French/German/etc), keyboard shortcuts CTRL+Z/Y don't work
AG‑6832 Bug When using tree data with group selection but not all rows are selectable, the top-level checkbox is indeterminate state and cannot be un-selected
AG‑6826 Bug [Regression] When using React and setting a filter model, filtered rows are rendered with incorrect heights
AG‑6824 Bug When rowSelected event is fired, its event property (storing the browser event) is always undefined
AG‑6815 Bug [Charts] Navigator Initial rendering different after clicking 'show navigator' in docs example
AG‑6812 Bug When destroying grid while the Column Menu Tab of the Column Menu is open, an exception is thrown
AG‑6806 Bug [Regression] When enableRangeSelection=true, clicking a grid cell fires dragStopped event unnecessarily
AG‑6805 Bug When using React, applying column state and then filter model produces empty lines inside the grid rows
AG‑6801 Task [Accessibility] Allow row group, values, pivot areas in columns tool panel to comply with accessibility standards (currently using aria-role attribute instead of role attribute)
AG‑6795 Bug When using row grouping, selecting all rows with header checkbox selection, expanding a row group and dragging a row, console exceptions are thrown
AG‑6771 Bug When using Chrome on Windows with a grid with big number of rows (>50,000) and multiple levels of row grouping, pressing the DOWN ARROW button to scroll the grid, the viewport doesn't keep up and renders with a delay
AG‑6765 Bug [Regression] When using Windows, enabling range selection and suppressing row and column virtualization, using the arrow keys to scroll the viewport, focused cell freezes and doesn't change for a few seconds at a time
AG‑6759 Task Create prod build that doesn't generate source maps
AG‑6757 Bug When dragging a row from a grid into another grid which is partly displayed over the source grid, the row can only be dropped into the target grid part that's not over the source grid
AG‑6754 Bug When using SSRM and setting the aria-rowcount property, its value gets reset each time the grid is scrolled
AG‑6731 Task [Accessibility] Allow row group panel to use correct accessibility attribute (role instead of aria-role)
AG‑6707 Task [Events] Remove rowDataChanged event in favor of rowDataUpdated event, and call filter.onNewRoadsLoaded consitently
AG‑6706 Bug When removing a column from the row group panel, onColumnVisible event isn't fired even though the column visibility changes
AG‑6703 Bug [Regression] When using external filtering and changing the external filter, isExternalFilterPresent callback is called multiple times instead of just once
AG‑6680 Bug [Charts] Series flash when yName property changed
AG‑6678 Bug [Charts] Series items flash in top left corner when toggling via the legend
AG‑6660 Bug When pivoting, reordering secondary columns and then expanding a secondary column resets the secondary column order
AG‑6601 Bug When using Angular 13 and importing AG Grid, a compiler warning is output when building codebase
AG‑6587 Task [Row Grouping] Allow sorting different group columns separately by clicking the grouped column items in the row group panel
AG‑6539 Task [Pivoting] Rename Secondary Columns to Pivot Columns (API members) and update documentation
AG‑6370 Task [Themes] Extend CSS variables in themes
AG‑6149 Task [Frameworks] Publish fully compatible Angular Ivy package
AG‑5859 Task [Chart] Improve chart series and tooltip rendering speed when using column/line series with a large number of data points
AG‑5740 Bug When adding a new series to the chart, it is added as hidden with JavaScript but visible with Angular/React/Vue
AG‑5611 Bug [Regression] When using axis label formatting there are multiple axis labels with the same value
AG‑5203 Task [Aggregation] Improve performance of column aggregation calculation
AG‑5160 Task [Chart] Allow setting maxLength of legend items in characters (followed by ellipsis '...') and displaying a tooltip with the full legend item value when hovering the legend item
AG‑5000 Bug Memory leak when using custom cell renderer component built on CellRendererFramework, pinnedRowCellRendererFramework
AG‑4953 Bug Memory leak when using custom header component built on HeaderComponentFramework
AG‑4912 Task [Row Grouping] Allow column to be hidden when grouping by dragging from the grid header and from the columns tool panel list
AG‑4807 Task [Typings] Add Generics to row data and cell value
AG‑4229 Task [Range Selection] Allow deselecting cells from the selected cell range by CTRL+click a cell or SHIFT+drag to a cell (just like in Excel)
AG‑3838 Task [Chart] Allow Bar/Column series types to support number and time axis
AG‑3069 Task [Excel Export] Allow exporting row groups and tree data to Excel so that you can expand/collapse them in Excel
AG‑2609 Task [Row Selection] Allow isRowSelectable callback to be invoked after cell value edit (currently only called once on initial render)
AG‑1555 Task [Column Headers] Allow column headers to support word wrapping for multi-line text and auto-height
AG‑463 Task [Row Grouping] Allow the group row for the expanded row group to float/stick at the top of the viewport while scrolling through its child rows

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