npm ag-grid-community 27.1.0

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2 years ago

Release 27.1.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6490 Task [API] Deprecate PopupTextCellEditor and PopupSelectCellEditor
AG‑6488 Bug [Regression] When using React, hovering over a custom header removes CSS classes from it
AG‑6478 Bug [Regression] When setting a column filter (either on a per-instance level of via applying a filterModel) in onGridReady, the filter is not applied
AG‑6474 Bug [Regression] When filtering grouped data and checking a group header row checkbox, it cannot be unchecked
AG‑6473 Bug When editing a grid cell by double-clicking or pressing F2 key, the onCellEditingStarted params event property should hold the browser event but it is always null
AG‑6470 Bug [Regression] When using React, the status bar components agTotalRowCountComponent, agTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent, agFilteredRowCountComponent don't display the correct number of rows
AG‑6469 Bug When using master/detail with legacy React with a hook in the custom cell renderer, a React exception is thrown
AG‑6459 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with Angular & Vue, Framework Components aren't supported in the detail grid
AG‑6458 Bug [Regression] When using React, setting ensureDomOrder=true doesn't order the elements in the DOM
AG‑6457 Bug [Regression] When using React, setting enableCellTextSelection=true, cells in columns with type=numericColumn align values to the left instead the right
AG‑6456 Task [Cell Editing] Allow cellEditorPopup and cellEditorPopupPosition to be dynamic
AG‑6455 Bug When using unmanaged row dragging (rowDragManaged=false), the nodes property is undefined inside the params of the grid events onRowDragEnter, onRowDragMove,onRowDragLeave,onRowDragEnd
AG‑6453 Bug [Regression] When using React, custom Cell Editor props (ICellEditorParams) don't allow accessing key property value due to naming conflict with React
AG‑6449 Bug [Regression] When editing a cell in a column with autoHeight=true which has a larger height, the editor slowly shrinks in height down to default row height
AG‑6448 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with React/Angular/Vue, providing a custom header component on a detail grid level using the components property throws an exception
AG‑6447 Bug [Regression] When focusing a partially-visible floating filter and pressing TAB, headers are scrolled horizontally but the rows viewport aren't
AG‑6446 Bug [Regression] When using master/detail with custom cell renderer in the detail grid, expanding a row throws an exception
AG‑6437 Bug [Regression] When using ReactUI with SSRM, calling api.setFilterModel method for a custom filter before opening the custom filter via UI throws an exception
AG‑6435 Bug When setting tooltipShowDelay, the delay only applies for the first cell the tooltip is displayed for
AG‑6434 Task [Frameworks][Vue] Add support for v-model to @ag-grid-community/vue3 / ag-grid-vue3
AG‑6432 Bug [Regression] When entering a non-numeric value in the floating filter input for a numeric column, the floating filter displays 'equals' instead of 'NaN'
AG‑6431 Bug [Regression] When ungrouping all grouped columns, opening the column menu and resetting columns the auto-group column is rendered as the right-most column
AG‑6427 Task [API] MenuItemDef submenu should not have IComponent exposed publicly
AG‑6426 Bug When using theme ag-grid-material or ag-grid-balham, checkboxes of grouped columns in the columns tool panel are displayed to the left of remaining checkboxes on the same level
AG‑6425 Bug When using a full-width cell renderer, calling refreshCells() API method, doesn't call the full-width cell renderer refresh() method
AG‑6415 Bug [Regression] When importing AG Grid on a page, console warning is displayed about missing source map
AG‑6413 Bug When using ReactUI with autoHeight=true and a JavaScript class renderer, the column cells display empty values
AG‑6411 Bug When using ReactUI with server-side row model (SSRM), activating pivot mode by calling columnApi.setPivotMode() throws an exception and leaves the pivot mode switch off
AG‑6405 Bug When using ReactUI rendering with column autoHeight=true, setting column definition type:'rightAligned', or type:'numericColumn' aligns cell values to left instead of to the right
AG‑6403 Bug When using ReactUI rendering, column reordering is slower due to rendering lag
AG‑6402 Bug [Regression] When rendering cells without values, checkbox and row drag elements inside these cells are aligned to the top of the cell instead of centered in the middle
AG‑6397 Bug Update afterGuiAttached typing and documentation to reflect it is called for every framework
AG‑6395 Task [Cell Editing] Allow suppressing grid editing from changing data
AG‑6394 Task Replace getRowNodeId() with getRowId() to make a) immutable data the default and b) provide more info in params
AG‑6393 Bug [Regression] When returning an empty string in cellClass, an exception is thrown and no grid rows are displayed
AG‑6388 Bug [Regression] When using React with master-detail and editing a master cell with cellEditorPopup=true, entering a new value in the cell editor is not then displayed in the cell after editing finishes
AG‑6385 Bug When calling columnApi.getColumnState() API method, in the returned ColumnState, colId can't be null
AG‑6376 Bug [Regression] When using agTextColumnFilter, agNumberColumnFilter, agDateColumnFilter there's no way to keep filter state after refreshing the data by calling setRowData()
AG‑6369 Bug [Regression] When using a compact theme and returning a small height from getRowHeight(), cell values get rendered outside of the rows
AG‑6364 Bug When using React and setting column definitions via state on a grouped grid with groupDisplayType='groupRows' (full-width group rows), an exception is thrown
AG‑6361 Bug When displaying a chart with a time x-axis with data with the same X-value, using axis label format %H:%M displays 00:00 for all x-axis labels
AG‑6360 Bug When using line/scatter chart with data that only has Y=0 values, the Y-axis is not displayed
AG‑6359 Bug [Regression] When setting a column as lockPosition=true, its drag handle is disabled in the columns tool panel and it cannot be dragged to the row groups panel
AG‑6349 Bug When using React with row grouping and groupHideOpenParents=true, expanding all the row groups and sorting on a non-group column, the top row values don't include the group names anymore
AG‑6331 Bug [Regression] When filtering using the number filter, entering a decimal fraction value displays a validation error
AG‑6330 Bug When using React with server-side row model with column grouping, calling columnApi.resetColumnState() API method doesn't clear the grouped column from the row group panel and shows an error in console
AG‑6326 Bug [Regression] When using ReactUI and filtering using the floating filter, scrolling the filtered column out and then back into view clears its floating filter input value
AG‑6318 Bug [Regression] When using chart line series with a time axis, displaying a series with a single data point compresses the x-range of all other series to a single value
AG‑6317 Bug When using column filtering and reordering columns, the filter tool panel no longer displays filtered icons for the filtered columns
AG‑6316 Bug [Regression] When using agNumberColumnFilter, setting allowedCharPattern is ignored and all user input is entered as valid in the filter input
AG‑6306 Bug When using a Mac with setting show scrollbars="When scrolling" or "Automatically based on mouse or track", scrolling the grid right displays two horizontal scrollbars on Chrome, Firefox and Safari
AG‑6304 Bug When dragging multiple rows from the grid, an untranslated string is used for 'rows'
AG‑6298 Bug [Changelog] When providing the version number as a parameter in the URL, the version isn't set in the dropdown or the grid
AG‑6295 Bug When the focused cell is in edit mode, calling tabToNextCell/tabToPreviousCell which returns a non-editable cell, the grid freezes with an infinite loop
AG‑6276 Bug [Docs] Aggregation function example using a cell value that's a complex object with a toString method, throws an exception when exporting to CSV
AG‑6263 Bug When using the theme icon "none" as a tool panel icon, the grid can't load it and doesn't display it
AG‑6261 Bug When using pagination and changing the page size, the row styles don't get reapplied
AG‑6015 Bug Create isolated version of ESM bundles
AG‑5728 Bug When hovering over a line/area segment of a zoomed in chart, the tooltip of the points rendered off-screen are still displayed
AG‑4030 Task [Column State] Allow defaultColDef to be reactive, and provide api.setDefaultColDef() for when not using a framework

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