npm @zowe/zowe-explorer-api 3.0.0-next.202403051607

latest releases: 2.16.2, 1.22.8, 2.16.1...
4 months ago

Zowe Explorer

New features and enhancements

  • Implemented sorting of PDS members by date created #2565
  • Added the capability for extenders to contribute new profile types to the Zowe schema during extender activation. #2508
  • Migrated from @zowe/cli package to individual Zowe SDK packages. #2719

Bug fixes

  • Fixed default behavior of "Create a new Team Configuration File" to create a Project Config instead of Project User Config. #2684
  • Adjusted order of 'Manage Profile' and 'Edit History' in the jobs tree's context menu to match the other trees. #2670

Zowe Explorer Extension for FTP

New features and enhancements

  • Added the following API: uploadFromBuffer
    • This API will be used for uploading contents in v3 instead of putContent(s).
  • Migrated from @zowe/cli package to individual Zowe SDK packages. #2719

Zowe Explorer APIs

New features and enhancements

  • Add Created Date to stats optional variable for storing dataset stats #2565
  • Add Date created to DatasetSortOpts enum #2565
  • Migrated from @zowe/cli package to individual Zowe SDK packages. #2719
  • Breaking: Added the following required API: uploadFromBuffer #2738
    • For v3, this API will be used for saving data sets and USS files instead of putContent(s). Extenders must implement this API to continue supporting Zowe Explorer save operations.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where zosmf profiles did not respect the protocol property. #2703
  • Breaking: ProfilesCache.getProfileInfo no longer accepts any parameters. #2744
  • Fix to restore accessibility to all profiles when default profile has APIML token authentication. #2111

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