npm @zowe/zowe-explorer-api 2.13.0

latest releases: 2.16.2, 1.22.8, 2.16.1...
6 months ago

Zowe Explorer

New features and enhancements

  • Added support for hiding a Zowe profile across all trees #2567 Thanks @rudyflores
  • Added support for enabling/disabling validation for a Zowe profile across all trees #2570 Thanks @rudyflores
  • Added Display confirmation dialog when submitting local JCL. #2061 Thanks @JasonIBM
  • Added support for adding a Zowe profile across all trees #2603 Thanks @rudyflores
  • Added "Filter Jobs" feature in Jobs tree view: accessible via filter icon or right-clicking on session node. #2599 Thanks @SanthoshiBoyina

Bug fixes

  • Fixed dataset allocation issue when secondary space (or other numeric values that did not exists in the dataset-template) where specified #2591 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed issue where an opened USS file or data set could not be saved once a user changes their search pattern in the Side Bar. #2597 Thanks @traeok

Zowe Explorer APIs

New features and enhancements

  • Added new optional boolean parameter hideFromAllTrees to IZoweTree.deleteSession for specifying whether to hide from all trees or current tree. #2567 Thanks @rudyflores
  • Added new optional parameter provider of type IZoweTree<IZoweTreeNode> for IZoweTree.addSession to specify a tree to add the profile to. Thanks @rudyflores
  • Added optional filter and actualJobs variables to IZoweJobTreeNode to track local filter search. Thanks @SanthoshiBoyina
  • Added new optional record openFiles to IZoweTree to track opened files under a specific tree view. #2597 Thanks @traeok

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