npm @zowe/zowe-explorer-api 2.0.0-next.202204202000

latest releases: 3.0.3, 3.0.2, 1.22.9...
2 years ago

Zowe Explorer

  • Updated Imperative to gather information from the corresponding base profile. #1757 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed issue when first Team Config profile management file is created. #1754 Thanks @JillieBeanSim
  • Fixed Failed to find property user on load or refresh. #1757 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed getting credentials from the wrong base profile. #1757 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed writing tokens to the wrong base profile. #1757 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed Windows not being able to share Tokens between CLI and ZE. #1757 Thanks @zFernand0
  • Fixed Login info written to global file if profile name is the same as project level profile. #1761 Thanks @JillieBeanSim

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