npm @zowe/cli 8.8.1

latest release: 7.29.5
2 days ago


  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where the ProfileInfo.profileManagerWillLoad method failed if profiles were not yet read from disk. #2284
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where the ProfileInfo.onlyV1ProfilesExist method could wrongly return true when V2 profiles exist. #2311
    • Deprecated the static method ProfileInfo.onlyV1ProfilesExist and replaced it with an onlyV1ProfilesExist instance method on the ProfileInfo class.
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where the ConvertV1Profiles.convert method may create team configuration files in the wrong directory if the environment variable ZOWE_CLI_HOME is set. #2312
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where the Imperative Event Emitter would fire event callbacks for the same app that triggered the event. #2279
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where the ProfileInfo.updateKnownProperty method could rewrite team config file to disk without any changes when storing secure value. #2324

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