npm @zowe/cli 8.0.0-next.202403132009

latest releases: 7.29.10, 8.12.0, 8.11.0...
11 months ago

Zowe CLI

  • Enhancement: Prompt for user/password on SSH commands when a token is stored in the config. #2081


  • Enhancement: Prompt for user/password on SSH commands when a token is stored in the config. #2081

z/OS Files SDK

  • LTS Breaking: Changed return type of Upload.bufferToUssFile to return IZosFilesResponse object instead of string. #2089
  • BugFix: Fixed Upload.bufferToUssFile not normalizing new lines when uploading plain text. #2089


  • Enhancement: Provide more legible errors to user when they are missing user/password credentials while
    running zowe zos-uss issue ssh commands. #2081

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