npm @zowe/cli 7.18.9

latest releases: 8.0.0-next.202406201950, 7.27.0, 8.0.0-next.202406172053...
8 months ago

Zowe CLI

  • Enhancement: Incorporate all source code from the zowe/imperative Github repository into the zowe/zowe-cli repository. This change should have no user impact.
  • BugFix: Removed out of date Perf-Timing performance timing package.
  • BugFix: Fix behavior where a specified directory was being lowercased on non-PDS datasets when downloading all datasets #1722


  • BugFix: Removed out of date Perf-Timing performance timing package.

z/OS Files SDK

  • BugFix: Fix behavior where a specified directory was being lowercased on non-PDS datasets when downloading all datasets #1722

CLI Test Utils

  • Enhancement: Adds the CLI_TEST_UTILS_USE_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR environment variable to force the test utility to use the global project dir instead of workspace dirs if set.

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