npm @vue/vue3-jest 27.0.0

latest releases: 29.2.6, 29.2.5, 29.2.4...
2 years ago

We moved to v27.0.0 (the library is mostly stable; no need for a drawn out beta and release candidate process). There will always be bugs, we will fix them in patch/minor versions.

Note: I (@lmiller1990) am not using Vue Jest either personally or professionally and cannot prioritise it as much as my other library (Vue Test Utils). If you'd like to assist with maintaining Vue Jest, please reach out.

How to install

  • yarn add @vue/vue3-jest@27.0.0 (works with Vue 3, Jest 27) or yarn add @vue/vue3-jest@latest for the latest one.
  • yarn add @vue/vue2-jest@27.0.0 (works with Vue 2, Jest 27) or yarn add @vue/vue2-jest@latest for the latest one.


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