npm @vue/eslint-config-airbnb 7.0.0

latest releases: 8.0.0, 7.0.1
22 months ago


  • Better Integration with @rushstack/eslint-patch

    All the eslint plugins are listed as dependencies, rather than peerDependencies.
    So when using these configs with @rushstack/eslint-patch, you no longer have to install the plugins separately.
  • More Strict JSX / Template Rules

    This major version adds a lot style / accessibility rules for JSX / <template> syntaxes, adapted from the upstream eslint-plugin-airbnb.
    You might see many more errors if you are upgrading from older versions of this package. Luckily, most of them are auto-fixable.
  • A Helper Function to Configure Path Aliases

    In this version, we've provided a createAliasSetting helper to help users configure the path aliases used in the project for ESLint.
    So this package is no longer only coupled with @vue/cli. Explicitly invoking the helper function is also more reliable than the previous auto-detection feature.


A Standalone TypeScript Config Package

When using the Airbnb Style in a TypeScript project, you no longer need to install both @vue/eslint-config-airbnb and @vue/eslint-config-typescript.
You can just use the @vue/eslint-config-airbnb-with-typescript package.

It also provides stricter rules for TypeScript.

For example, by default, only <script lang="ts"> is allowed in .vue files.
You can opt-in the @vue/eslint-config-airbnb-with-typescript/allow-js-in-vue config to allow plain JavaScript <script>s.
It is strongly discouraged to use JSX and TSX syntaxes in .vue files, but we still provide corresponding configs to allow you opt-in them.

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