npm @toast-ui/vue-editor 2.2.0

latest releases: 3.2.3, 3.2.2, 3.2.1...
4 years ago



  • 5f62f5e Improve default HTML sanitizer module to solve XSS vulnerability (#734)
  • 75c7da5 Set contenteditable attribute on paragraph block type using custom renderer (#998)
  • 609e89d [Markdown] The code block's language is case-insensitive (#1004)
  • ec405e2 [Markdown] Add a margin to separate the code blocks when highlighting the code block syntax (#1032)
  • 739dfe4 [WYSIWYG] Remove span tag with default color when copying/pasting text in the Viewer (or the Preview) (#1036)

Bug Fixes


  • 5ec7db0 form is submitted when the mode switch button is clicked (#969)
  • dfe4382 Remove types of removed API (setValue, getValue) (#970)
  • 5ec7db0 Editor and viewer font styles are different (#1045)
  • a2f95ae [Markdown] Typing is slow when the list depth is long or there is a lot of content (#1012)
  • d9b9412 [Markdown] Shortcut for shift-tab in list does not work correctly (#1014)
  • ec405e2 [Markdown] Syntax highlighting of code blocks is broken under certain situations (#1032)
  • 22a1744 [WYSIWYG] Script error occurs when text corresponding to a block of code is pasted (#693, #939)
  • d03b508 [WYSIWYG] change event does not fire when list bullet is entered (#757)
  • 7c00b60 [WYSIWYG] Typed text disappears when changing style in heading (#878)
  • 964009c [WYSIWYG] Text in table context menu overflows in certain languages (#891)
  • 1f6a54d [WYSIWYG] Resizable box is created on the element with min-height applied in Internet Explorer (#984)
  • 6f983b4 [WYSIWYG] Enter the tag string related to XSS in the code block and move the cursor to execute the script (#1021)

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