npm @toast-ui/vue-editor 1.0.0

latest releases: 3.2.3, 3.2.2, 3.2.1...
5 years ago

Install via npm & bower

Bug Fixes

  • 4aed691 Fix: copy paste from excel results image not table (fix #1046)
  • 65fbb69 Fix: viewer overwrite editor if both loaded
  • cec9b9a Fix: wrong popup if editor is in from tag (fix #1059)
  • c2e0300 Fix: error guard for edge svg attr bug


  • b9a7788 Feat: use squire official
  • 4e2cc53 Refactor: split dist for extensions
  • 4772cb9 Refactor: namespace to es6 import
  • 80c0696 Refactor: all dist namespace to tui.Editor (fix #1048)
  • fdf286f Refactor: separate jquery plugin code (fix #1049)
  • 1c03eda Refactor: commonjs to es6 import/export (fix #1050)
  • 3de2032 Refactor: viewonly to viewer (#1051)
  • 827e413 Refactor: scrollfollow -> scrollsync (#1052)
  • 2bfc0de Refactor: jquery plugin name tuiEditorViewer to tuiEditor
  • 2214a92 Refactor: webpack array config, css min added
  • bfbb10b Refactor: remove mark and taskCounter ext from dist (fix #1053)



  • distribution files changed
    • tui-editor-Editor: editor without extensions
    • tui-editor-Viewer: viewer without extensions
    • tui-editor-Editor-all: editor with all extensions
    • tui-editor-Viewer-all: viewer with all extensions
    • tui-editor-ext*.js: extensions
  • viewOnly namespace removed.
    • tui.EditorViewOnly -> tui.Editor
  • changed name viewOnly to viewer
    • jQuery plugin: $().tuiEditorViewOnly -> $().tuiEditorViewer
    • api: isViewOnly -> isViewer
    • option: viewOnly -> viewer
  • changed name scrollFollow to scrollSync
    • exts: ['scrollFollow'] -> exts: ['scrollSync']
    • command: scrollFollowToggle -> scrollSyncToggle
  • changed name plantUML -> uml
    • exts: ['plantUML'] -> exts: ['uml']
  • mark extension removed
  • taskCounter extension removed

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