npm @tailwindcss/postcss 4.0.15

latest releases: 0.0.0-insiders.c32b608, 0.0.0-insiders.f772266, 0.0.0-insiders.1a68b99...
8 days ago


  • Fix incorrect angle in -bg-conic-* utilities (#17174)
  • Fix border-[12px_4px] being interpreted as a border-color instead of a border-width (#17248)
  • Work around a crash in Safari 16.4 and 16.5 when using the default Preflight styles (#17306)
  • Pre-process <template lang="…"> in Vue files (#17252)
  • Ensure that all CSS variables used by Preflight are prefixed (#17036)
  • Prevent segfault when loaded in a worker thread on Linux (#17276)
  • Ensure multiple --value(…) or --modifier(…) calls don't delete subsequent declarations (#17273)
  • Fix class extraction followed by ( in Slim (#17278)
  • Export PluginUtils from tailwindcss/plugin for compatibility with v3 (#17299)
  • Remove redundant line-height: initial from Preflight (#15212)
  • Increase Standalone hardware compatibility on macOS x64 builds (#17267)
  • Ensure that the CSS file rebuilds if a new CSS variable is used from templates (#17301)


  • The --theme(…) function now returns CSS variables from your theme variables unless used inside positions where CSS variables are invalid (e.g. inside @media queries) (#17036)

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