npm @symfony/webpack-encore 0.29.0
New Configuration Functions and major Dependency Bumps

latest releases: 4.6.1, 4.6.0, 4.5.0...
4 years ago

Hi friends!

To upgrade:

  1. Update your package.json file: set the @symfony/webpack-encore version to ^0.29.0.

  2. Run yarn upgrade!

Changes: v0.28.3..v0.29.0



  • Support for Node 8 was dropped.

  • [BC BREAK] Several loader dependencies we upgraded across major versions.
    These won't affect most users, but could affect you if you have custom
    configuration for those loaders that changed between versions:

    • css-loader upgraded from version 2 to 3 - #729 thanks to @weaverryan.
      This shouldn't affect most users - you are most likely to be affected
      if you're using Encore.configureCssLoader().

    • style-loader upgraded from 0.21 to 1.1 - #710 thanks to @Grafikart.
      Unless you're doing custom configuration, it's unlikely you're affected.

    • file-loader upgraded from 1.1 to 6 - #731 thanks to @weaverryan.
      If you are importing images/fonts using the CommonJS syntax (require('foo.png')),
      you will now need to explicitely retrieve the default export (require('foo.png').default)
      in order to get the path of the file.
      Imports done using the import keyword should not be affected.

    • url-loader upgraded from allowing version 1 or 2 to allowing version 4 - #731 thanks to @weaverryan.
      Unless you're doing custom configuration, it's unlikely you're affected.

  • [BC BREAK] If you're using enableEslintLoader(), Encore no longer
    configures eslint for you: you now must configure your own
    .eslintrc.js file. If this is missing, you'll now get a nice
    error about this telling you how to fix it - #687 thanks to @Kocal.

  • Added Encore.enableBabelTypeScriptPreset() to "compile" TypeScript with
    Babel, which is a more performant option than ts-loader - #694
    thanks to @Kocal.

  • Added Encore.configureDevServerOptions() as an easy way to configure
    dev-server options - #693 thanks to @Kocal.

  • Added Encore.addCacheGroup() method as an easy way to add custom
    caching groups - #680 thanks to @Lyrkan.

  • Include the .pcss extension for PostCSS files - #718 thanks to @opdavies

  • Added Encore.configureStyleLoader() to configure the style-loader - #715
    thanks to @tooltonix.

  • Added lintVue: true option to Encore.enableEslintLoader() to explicitly
    turn on linting of Vue files (which requires the vue-eslint-parser
    package) - #574 thanks to @Kocal.

Have packing!

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