npm @stylistic/stylelint-plugin 3.1.2
Release v3.1.2

17 hours ago


  • An explicit end position is now passed to all report calls.
    The report calls no longer receive the line argument, which was deprecated in stylelint@16.13.0.
    Previously, attempts to update stylelint to 16.13.0 version resulted in multiple DeprecationWarning messages (#53) (@MorevM).
  • Added an exception to the declaration-block-semicolon-space-before rule for an empty value of a custom property: now both --custom-prop: ; and --custom-prop:; are considered valid even with the never and never-single-line options.
    You can find a detailed explanation in the original issue (#51) (@MorevM).
  • Fixed behavior of baseIndentLevel option of indentation rule when used in non-CSS files (e.g. when using postcss-html syntax) (#47) (@net-solution).
  • Fixed removing the starting indentation along with the blank line in the no-empty-first-rule rule (#47) (@net-solution).

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