5.11.3 (2025-03-19)
🔥 Bug fix
- prevent switching preview tabs with unsaved changes (#23115)
- bidirectional relations sync (4e64ec6cec)
- incorrect token source in pr diff (#23142)
- incorrect file path and parameters for pr_diff (#23143)
- deprecated step summary output (#23144)
- remove useless rotf future flag (#23139)
- ui issues on purchae pages (#23084)
- add z index property to the menu content in blocks and markdown (#23150)
📚 Documentation Changes
- add strapi/permissions documentation (#23091)
⚙️ Chore
- todo tests (2f08d92b24)
- add GitHub Action to list merged PRs between branches (#23007)
- deps: upgrade esbuild-loader to 4.3.0 (#23068)
❤️ Thank You
- Ben Irvin
- Jean-Sébastien Herbaux
- Lucas Boilly @lucasboilly
- Marc-Roig
- Rémi de Juvigny @remidej
- Simone