5.11.1 (2025-03-12)
🔥 Bug fix
- missing mock function causes typescript to fail (#23054)
- add origin to preview message (#23059)
- disable preview form when status is modified (#23083)
- find available port for vite to allow multiple develop mode instances (#23008)
⚙️ Chore
- new iteration on the purchase pages (2943bee4f4)
- add documentId to tracking events (#23052)
- upgrade vite to 5.4.13 (#23066)
💅 Enhancement
- remove warning when project is at seat limit (6f12c0da79)
- ctb: add aria data to relations buttons (#23076)
🚨 Security
- deps: upgrade axios to 1.8.2 for CWE-918 (#23105)
❤️ Thank You
- Alexandre Bodin
- Ben Irvin
- markkaylor
- Maxime Castres
- Rémi de Juvigny @remidej